Chapter 10: Land Ho!

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After dinner (satisfactory cuisine by no means - cereal - for most of the passengers who politely refused Captain Ava's stew) Shuichi decided to go for a leisurely stroll around the boat. It would be pleasant to take in his surroundings. He'd never been abroad before, this was all so new to him and he loved it.

Kokichi had opted to stay with his fellow ex-members of DICE, while the others parted ways, some retiring for the night. They were nearing Loradsey Island - only a day or so remained.

The only person who wasn't present at dinner was Rantaro Amami, but it wasn't long before Shuichi found him gazing longingly at the rippling ocean once more.

He appeared at ease. Mesmerised. And as Shuichi came to stand beside him, he understood. The sea glistened with a fiery hue, sunset melting into the waves with an inviting gleam.

Rantaro closed his eyes and breathed in the ocean air through his nose, soft breeze combing his hair. The salty smell that lingered in Shuichi's nose was quickly overpowered by Rantaro's cologne. It smelled divine. Like home. It had only been two days, but Shuichi dearly missed home.

After a moment Rantaro at last acknowledged his company with a smile. "Hey, Shuichi. Do you need something?"

"No, not really," he said before looking him over. The smile on his face did not reach his eyes. "Is something wrong? You didn't show up to eat."

Rantaro chuckled. "I really didn't think you'd ask. I'm not that hungry tonight. Must be the nerves, I suppose."

"Why are you nervous? Is it about the case? Ah, you really shouldn't worry; we have Kyoko." Shuichi reassured him. "With her on our side, we're guaranteed to solve this case."

His smile disappeared. "That's true, she is remarkable at what she does. But it doesn't change the fact I could be putting everyone in grave danger."

"Taking those risks is part of the job. No harm will come to any of you. Kyoko and I can handle it. I never meant to get anyone else roped into this..." Shuichi reassured him. "Don't worry, we'll stop whoever is behind all of this."

"That's good and all, but what if they find you first?"

The question took Shuichi by surprise. If he were talking to anyone else it might have appeared a threat.  He never really thought about those sort of things when he was the one hunting criminals."Oh. I don't know... I never planned that far ahead. But we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Don't go throwing yourself into any unnecessary danger, now," Rantaro faced him, leaning his back against the railing. "You're pretty optimistic. I like that."

"Ah, not really." mumbled Shuichi. He missed Kaede and her cheery encouragement he could only dream of replicating. It had barely been a few days, but he hoped she was alright.

"Can't take a compliment, huh? You shouldn't put yourself down so much, Shuichi." His warm eyes made direct contact with the detective's. There was something about it that was chilling. Unnerving.

"I don't mean to, I just–" Shuichi froze as Rantaro placed his hand on his shoulder. "Uh."

"Please tell me if I'm coming off too strong, but I'm really curious about you. I'd love to take you out sometime." he beamed.

Shuichi swallowed as Rantaro's grip tightened ever so slightly, like he was trying to pull him closer. The cogs in his head were turning rapidly trying to make sense of what was happening. "Are you flirting with me?"

"I might be," he grinned. "You into guys?"

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." Shuichi freed himself from his grasp and stepped away. "And besides! You're a client. I want to keep our relationship strictly professional. I hope you understand."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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