Chapter 6: A Congregation Of Colleagues

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Shuichi pulled the manhole cover over his head and made the descent down to DICE headquarters, just like the first time he had infiltrated the base. He was always cautious climbing the ladder, it was a long way to fall if he lost his grip but he'd had a lot of practise. Soon enough, his feet were back on solid metallic ground.

Headquarters looked significantly more homely and inviting since then, too. While there were still some metal panels bolted into the walls and floors in the corridors, the rooms had been renovated the best they could be. With extra funds running low and very few of the inhabitants with paying jobs, not too much could be done.

The floors of the main rooms were laminated and the walls were painted brighter colours - Smile's idea. He claimed it was hard to be miserable in a brighter atmosphere and apparently his claims rang true.

The detective navigated through the silent halls, following the familiar route to the dining room. Kokichi was sure to be in there, his text said it all. Besides, he'd taken up quite the interest in baking recently. It begged the question: was Kokichi planning something? Whatever it was, Shuichi was sure it'd be a real treat. His baking was improving by the day!

He pushed open the door and peered inside. Kokichi was leaning on the great table in the centre of the room, a bottle of syrup in one hand, a can of whipped cream in the other. His hair was tied back strategically, just like when he took on the identity of the Phantom Thief. Smeared on his cheek was what appeared to be chocolate sauce but Kokichi either didn't notice it or didn't care. Knowing Kokichi it was likely both; the mess made him look like he'd been busy and he was a man of appearances. He was focused on decorating the numerous plates of pancakes on the table, one eye shut and his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in concentration as he poured just the right amount on each.

Beside him was Boomer, crouching down to meet Kokichi at eye level, a look of satisfaction on his face. He was as comically round and bald as ever. When he noticed the door open he offered Shuichi a brief smile and wave, then went back to observing the pancake decorating.

"That's enough," he said, standing up with a breath of relief as if he had been participating in hard labour. "Looks like you've got a visitor, Boss."

"Hm?" Kokichi looked up, cast curious eyes at Boomer and then towards the door. "Oh yeah! Hi Shuichi!" He squirted some cream onto his finger, licked it off, wiped it on his light blue apron, squirted some more onto the same finger, then made his way to join Shuichi in the hall. "Gimme a minute. I'll be back!"

Boomer replied with a nod of approval as the door was shut behind the ex-organisation leader.

Kokichi beamed. "Sup, Shu?"

"Hey Kich." He attempted to focus on the situation at hand but the smear on his boyfriend's cheek was distracting. "You know you have a little something on your cheek, right?"

"Um...yeah!" Kokichi used his creamless hand to wipe at his cheeks. It only spread it further and Shuichi couldn't help but frown. "Is it gone?"

"Not even close," he laughed. Shuichi picked up the bottom of Kokichi's apron and wiped away the chocolate. "There you go. And what's up with the whipped cream?"

Kokichi thrust his finger in Shuichi's face. "It's for you! Lick it!"

He shook his head. "I'm good thanks. Besides, you just put it in your mouth yourself."

"But it's nice... Maybe you'd like it better," He wiped it on his lips and rubbed them together like lipstick, "if you licked it off my lips. Don't be shy. I did tell you I'd be smothering you in lots of kisses."

Shuichi held in a laugh and tried his best to keep a straight face. It was a pity that he had to decline such a generous offer. "That can wait until later, Kokichi. I need to talk to you about something pretty important. It's about work - that case I'm working on with Kyoko."

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