Chapter 9: Inkerprints

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Kokichi was the first thing Shuichi saw when he was abruptly awoken at half past eight in the morning. It was the ticklish sensation of silky locks brushing against his nose that had startled him, opening his eyes to be greeted by a devilish grin and sparkling lavender irises. Kokichi was practically looming over him like it was the most natural thing in the world, drinking in all of his sleepy features.

"Mm." he hummed, lacking the energy to speak as he drifted slowly back to sleep. His eyelids felt like lead but Kokichi refused to lose his attention.

"Hey," Kokichi prodded at his cheek with a gentle finger, enjoying how the soft flesh squished beneath his touch. "Wake up. Wake up, Shuichi," he whined, "I'm bored and you're the only person who can satisfy my needs!"

Shuichi reluctantly sat up and rubbed his eyes, minding not to headbutt his boyfriend who was still standing over him. "I'm up...I guess."

"Good!" he beamed. "Y'know, I couldn't find you anywhere last night after Ava shooed me away. You missed dinner too - I mean you didn't miss much at all; the stew tasted way off. But that's besides the point! I asked everyone if they'd seen you around, but then Rantaro told me you'd retreated for the night."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just resting for a minute, but I guess I fell asleep." Shuichi said. For a moment he was glad he'd dodged the grubby bullet the dining hall offered, but the pang of hunger in his stomach said otherwise. "What did you and the Captain get up to?"

Kokichi's eyes lit up. "I thought you'd never ask!" he mused. "She let me steer the ship as her assistant! Only a little bit though, but it was still fun! She showed me all these cool things about how to control a ship and what all those little buttons do. I was going to tell you last night but you were out cold." Besides, not that he'd admit it, but he didn't want to wake him. Not when he was sleeping so peacefully. It was clear all those late nights had caught up with him and, usually being the first to fall asleep, Kokichi finally got the opportunity to tuck him in and wish him goodnight. And he absolutely would not mention how he brushed his hair from the frame of his face while peppering little kisses across his forehead. That was his little secret. "She's a bit weird. I think we understand each other."

Shuichi smiled and pulled him onto his lap in a loving embrace. "Is that so? It sounds like you had a good time." And then he pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He loved him so much.

What he wouldn't give for this boy. He'd do anything to be beside him forever.


The breakfast menu was much more pleasant than any other, Shuichi noted. There was a variety of cereals to choose from and the wave of relief that crashed over him was enough to make him practically collapse onto the bench in famished anticipation.

He and Kokichi weren't the first there. They were beaten by Kyoko, Gadget, Ego and Kaito. The early birds of the group, excluding Captain Ava who was sitting with Kyoko, legs swinging giddily under the table. Normally Maki would join this category, but Kaito said she was showering. Everyone else were assumed to be sleeping still.

"Morning, Shuichi!" beamed Kaito. "I was worried about you last night. You just disappeared."

Shuichi returned the greeting with an exhausted flourish. "I fell asleep early. Sorry for worrying you. But, uh, why were you worried, out of curiosity? Did something happen?"

Gadget tapped his glass with his spoon as he swallowed a mouthful of half-chewed cereal. "You don't know? Did you really sleep through that storm last night?"

"There was a storm? Can this boat handle a storm?" Shuichi spluttered.

"Nah, not a weather storm. An Ego storm." Gadget clarified. "He went a bit apeshit last night. Ain't that right, E-boy?"

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