I like it like that pt1

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Brandon lips are still on mines. His lips are so damn soft and juicy I figure since we gonna do some fucked up shit why not kiss Brandon the longer we kiss the more I fall for him. I mean I know he likes me but now I think is the time to tell him I like him also. But who am I kidding this is never going to work and I know he is working on his music and I don't want to ruin his life just because he's dating me.

"Seems as if somebody been wait to do that" I say looking into his eyes smiling licking my lips.

"Hell yeah shorty. Damn yo lips so sexy" he say as I feel my cheeks heat up. He got me blushing over him.

"Whatever. Let's just get back to the party before this goes any further" I say he nodes we get back to partying we all dancing and singing as loud as we can still drinking. I'm like 7 drinks in and im all the way gone smoking.. All I remember I was dancing on the table with dani. Prince and que was arguing over I don't what the fuck but it had me laughing my ass off.

But then then the unthinkable happened something I never thought would happen but it did I don't regret it. But we have to realize that I'm still underage.........

The next day

Bro I don't know what the fuck happened last night.. I don't remember much of anything besides me and Brandon kiss then after that I don't fucking know. I woke up my head was pounding like a fucking drum I looked at everyone they was either on the floor or on the couch we all started to wake up one by one we all look like shit. I looked at my phone and seen I had 40 Miss calls some from finneas and others i had 50 text messages..when i looked at the time I realized I had 2 in half hour left to get ready but literally I can't fucking move my head hurts like a bitch. So I called finneas to see if he can come and pick me up because this bitch got a hangover and can't drive I mean I can but I rather not I'll come and pick up my car later from Dani house. Once finneas arrived I get in the car he started to yell at me I gave him the "resting bitch face"

"Finneas if you don't shut the fuck up" I say annoyed.

"Billie you smell like weed and other stuff what was. Y'all doing last night?" he asked

"Don't fucking worry about it. Just take me to the house" at this point I was getting pissed after that she didn't say a word we got home mom and dad was sitting at the table looking like they was actually cared about my well being when they dont.

"Omg billie you had us worried sick about you" mom says hugging at this point I have no emotions to anything anybody say or do I just don't give a damn.

"Billie have you been drinking and smoking you stink" dad says to me

"And if I was what are you gonna do about it.... Just let me fucking be for god sakes" I say walking off going to the bathroom to shower after my shower I put on and all black outfit with my lime green off white air force 1's. I found my gucci shades and put them on. We get in the car I did the stupid ass interview told them to drop me off at Dani house because I wanna spend as much time with my friends before I go back on tour.

"Sup bitches" I say walking to the kitchen and to my surprise Brandon ex was there now I don't know who Idea it was to bring this bitch over but I hope they know a ass beating is looking pretty nice right now.

"Brandon what the fuck is this std doing here" I say get madder and madder

"Billie she just showed up. I swear I didn't know she was coming" he said

"Oh I believe you" I said

"Bitch why are you so worried about me being here.. I'm here because my man is here dumbass" she said all I did was laugh because she just don't know what me and him did last night

"Ta..I find that hard to believe because he wasn't claiming you as his girlfriend when he was kiss me nor did he claim you when he was fucking me last night so are you sure he still your man.because I'm pretty sure he sprung on me" I say I mean I didn't lie it was the truth if Brandon wanted to be with me he had to get rid of his walking std or he could've stay with her and then just watch her get her ass beat everytime she came over until she couldn't walk and clearly Brandon chose me over this bitch.

"Thats a lie Brandon would never fuck a depressed low life bitch who thinks people actually love and like her when in reality they want you dead your nothing and will never be nothing but a disappointment" she said everyone was looking at her and waiting to see what my next move was about to be

"Oh babygirl, babygirl you just don't know Brandon left your ass for me because I told him to. he had a choice to stay with you and once again I win and you lose.. So how do want to leave this house alive or in a body bag pick before I pick for you" I say very calmly everyone looks at me because they know I am going to beat her ass either way.

"Brandon come over here" I say he walks over to me. I turn to him pulling him close.

"Your mine now not hers after today get rid of everything that she ever bought you and anything you ever bought her sell that shit or burn it and delete her number she don't deserve you like I deserve you" I say to him kissing him and looking back at mia who way pissed but I didn't give a damn I was gonna take Brandon from her anyways

"Since you haven't answered my question I guess imma pick for you" I say taking off my hoodie and pulled my hair up and I did what I do best beat that ass and nobody stopped me they just let go at it. It felt good beating her ass again...

(Part 2 coming soon I promise
Also I'm excited cuz in 5 weeks imma have my bbg and I can't wait)

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