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narrator's pov
3116 words

it was dark, extremely dark. shadows everywhere in what seemed like a mystical forest that emitted a faint shade of dark blue. a strange glowing orb danced through the air, avoiding obstacles such as massive trees as it travelled peacefully in the darkness.

it continued to travel through the air in a graceful fashion, like a bird flying through the sky to reach its nest high in a tree where predators couldn't reach them.

until a strange figure appeared suddenly from behind one of the trees, swinging his arm into the air with great power, targeting the glowing orb with a magical substance that grew stronger in his hand by the time he threw it in the direction of the orb. his aim was perfect, the magic colliding with the mysterious object, causing it to fall down onto the small field of dark green grass close to his feet.

he took short steps towards the now inanimate object, clearly in no hurry, and picked it up in the palm of his hand. he squinted his eyes, full of curiosity as he looked at it. his eyes were a beautiful blue colour, his skin pale and his long hair a dark chocolaty brown tied back with a light blue ribbon. he had horns on the top of his head, sharp at the top and also blue in colour.

he then raised his arm into the air, looking at the strange orb in his hand from above, not realising two figures appearing from behind a hill that stood tall behind him, the one to the right jumping down with a loud thud as he made contact with the ground.

"drop it!" he called, his eyes focusing only on the blue horned figure in front of him, holding a dagger up in front of himself, threateningly. his amber eyes glowed brightly in the darkness as he narrowed his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"you heard the man, now drop it this way." the one to the left stood tall on the hill before leaping down onto the level of ground the other two were standing on, his voice deep but with no emotion. both of them turned around to face him before the other one from the hill spoke.

"it's mine! i rightfully cornered him first," he said, turning to the one with blue horns, holding his dagger closer to him.

"you wanna try me?" he growled, holding up his scythes in a cross and sliding the two metal blades across each other, his turquoise eyes staring harshly at him, his right eye displaying a nasty scar running down from his eyebrow, over his eyelid and down his cheek. he had messy snowy white hair and sharp horns that were emerald green in colour. the other one had blonde hair with a pink shade to it with also sharp orange horns.

"face me! i'm delivering it to his highness first," he growled back firmly, now pointing his daggers to the white haired figure.

the three characters were now in a circle, weapons pointed at each other. it would only be a few moments before a whole battle broke out between them. they weren't going to calm down any time soon.

"petty, the both of you," said someone who just appears from the vegetation behind. "truly it doesn't matter who delivers it... as long as it's me."

"hmph, catch."

suddenly the one holding the sparkly blue orb threw the object into the air, blinking slowly, clearly not fazed by the situation. the orb flew into the air and on top of the green horned character. he looked up and tried to catch it but failed, his blades in the way of his hands but somehow managed to lock it in place between his wrists.

"it's mine!" the one in orange leaped at him, blades in front of him ready to attack. He looked up and blocked him with his own blades, smirking in the process, moving his other hand that locked around the orb further away from him.

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