𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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nora's (you) pov

i watched as ava and the five guys left the apartment, leaving the door wide open. i groaned and dragged myself over to the door to shut it myself since nobody else will! i slammed the door in the frustration because of the irritating demon-daemos whatever the hell you call those guys.

she decided on taking those guys to the government after my random recommendation of doing so. now that i think about it.. it was probably the dumbest idea i have ever came up with. they know nothing about this place. i wouldn't be surprised if they ended up killing someone while visiting that place.

i strolled over to the kitchen and slid my hand across the kitchen island table before sitting back down on the barstool that i was dragged off from not too long ago. the pens however were no where to be seen which confused me a little. i sighed, my thoughts drowning me yet again.

i thought about my opinions on these demons, which one i liked the most and the one i liked the least but i pretty much hate them all equally. rhys seemed like the smart one, logical and very calm... maybe too calm? noi seemed very naïve, kind and the happiest out of the bunch. i suspected that the others bully him though, he cowers away a lot from them. leif i don't know much about yet but he seemed to like to kill a lot of that makes any sense? pierce is quiet, quiet and even more quiet. he seems loyal too but other than that i don't have much of an idea on him. on the other hand asch seems like such an asshole. he reminds me of this one kid from high school who was mean as hell. i dislike him the most, hate probably. he doesn't listen to a single thing and i genuinely see myself murdering him one day.

i sighed and slipped out of the chair and wandered over to the fridge, opening it slowly and staring at how empty it was. there wasn't a single thing on the shelves. i closed it harshly and snatched the box of cereal on the counter, quickly grabbing a bowl from the cupboard and a spoon from the drawer.

dry cereal it is. that's all ava eats. how is she still alive on this kind of diet? i've been worried for her so much ever since i left for university. i worry about her more than myself for sure. she has always been socially awkward and never really had friends, sort of like me, the main reason why we always stuck together in high school. i was scared that she would feel really lonely once i left but she'd always reassure me over text that she's fine and we spent loads of hours every single day on facetime to each other when i had free time after my lectures.

i sat back down by the table and shoved the spoonful of cereal into my mouth, crunching on the dry cereal harshly. i stared at the patterns on the table as i ate, nothing else really taking my interest until i heard the door quickly slam open and footsteps came rushing into the room, all six of them returning, panting and gasping for breath. did they run a whole ass 500 miles?

i looked up from food in front of me and stared at all of them and they returned the looks then ava stood beside the couch in the living room and looked at the guys.

i turned around on the chair to face them all, intrigued in what actually happened while i wasn't there.

"so you guys really are demons?" ava asked rather quietly.

"daemos!" rhys corrected instantly, rolling his eyes slightly.

"took you a while to bloody realise that ava," i scoffed, twirling the metal spoon in between my fingers while tapping my foot on the bar of the stool.

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