𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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nora's (your) pov
3095 words

i opened my eyes a few minutes before i felt a weight leave from the couch beside me, waking me up, instantly closing them again from the blinding light from the sun gleaming through the clear glass of the giant window. i kept blinking awkwardly as i sat up on the couch, the blanket falling beside me as i raised my hands up to my face to rub the sleep out my eyes, yawning heavily in the process.

i heard metal being unsheathed and my gaze wandered over to asch crouching beside noi, who honestly looked completely dead on the floor as he slept, and turned around to look at the door leading to ava's room, putting one of noi's daggers in his pocket, pierce, leif and rhys still sleeping on the chairs next to the couch.

"what are you doing awake?" i yawned, my figure slouched as i sat against the back of the couch, sleep still clouding my eyes as i looked at his blurry image.

"i could ask the same question," he huffed, turning around to look at me dead in the eyes before prancing over to ava's bedroom door, opening it then walking in like he owned the place.

i groaned and threw the blanket away and hopped to my feet and following him into my sister's room, only to be met with him holding the dagger in the air above ava, gritting his teeth and muttering something about a 'sacrifice.'

"what are you doing! put the knife down!" i whisper shouted, my eyebrows furrowed angrily as i grabbed his wrist tightly and dragging it downwards and away from her.

suddenly a black shadow collided between us, smacking into asch harshly and sending me to the ground with a thud. the creature then left the room through the door that just opened as rhys stomped into the scene, never to be seen again.

"what the-"

"your majesty put down the knife!" rhys whisper yelled, exactly how i had done when i found him with the blade above ava.

"why should i?" asch growled, twirling the dagger between his fingers as he stared coldly at rhys.

i lifted myself up from the ground, dusting off my knees and crossing my arms in annoyance as nobody tried to help me up from whatever knocked me down!

"because knives kill us, dumbass!" i looked at him, ready to spring in front of ava to protect her if he tried anything.


"ttsh-ugh," rhys groaned as he held his hands up to his face to calm himself. "your majesty, i'm all for your way of doing things but now isn't the time. one human isn't going to solve the entire magic crisis. we need to-"

"magic crisis?" i echoed, staring wildly at rhys and his eyes widened as he seen me. oh.. did he not know that i was here?

"which part is most tender to stab?" asch searched over her sleeping figure, the dagger still in his right grip.

"don't wake her up! she tried to kill me last night!" rhys yelled as i launched into asch and knocked the knife out from his grasp, the metal loudly bouncing across the floor.

asch shoved me out of the way and into the wall, running over to re-collect the weapon before he froze in place as ava began to wake.

at that moment noi, pierce and leif had woken up and they stood behind rhys. when ava groaned they all gasped, eyes wide with fear and their hands on their heads, gripping their hair in frustration except from leif who noticed me in the corner on the ground gasping for breath and quickly came to assist me.

"good job now she's going to kill us!" noi exclaimed.

"you said she seemed kind!"

"but she told us not to come in here!"

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