𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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nora's (you) pov
2261 words

"uhh what does he mean by making the living accommodations more suitable for you guys?" i looked over to rhys as he walked over to the creamy coloured wall near the door to ava's bedroom, pressing one of his hands up to the structure.

"oh i didn't realise you stayed behind." he turned around to face me then looked back at his hand. "prince asch meant that we make a whole new living area for us."

leif has flung himself on the couch beside me, crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head, relaxing. "i say you can do all the work rhys, i'd rather save my own magic."

rhys scoffed as a blinding light emitted from his palm. he closed his eyes and muttered some kind of wizardry spell.

"i'm confused, what the hell is he doing," i asked leif who had his eyes closed as he ignored everything that was going on.

"oh he's making a portal for our new home, we won't have to bother you and that other  sorceress any longer," he smirked, suddenly disappearing from where he sat.

"what the-" i looked wildly around the room to spot him opening one of the drawers in the kitchen, pulling out one of the cooking knives.

he held it up to his face and examined it with a weird expression and swung it around the room, hitting the kitchen island in the process.

"oh my god what on earth are you doing!" i exclaimed, leaping to my feet and to the kitchen, grabbing the kitchen knife by the handle from his grip.

"hey! i was testing that!"

i shook my head in disgust, putting the knife back in the drawer. leif then crossed his arms on the counter beside me, looking at the other cabinets and drawers.

"what else do you keep in here? is it all just weapons?" his eyes sparkled at the last part.

"no they aren't weapons you idiot. we use them to cook our food now if you would be so kind can you not raid this entire kitchen!"

leif pouted and disappeared from where he was again. okay, seriously how does he do that! i saw him beside rhys who was still mumbling some weird language that i couldn't understand.

soon the blinding light expanded then disappeared with a quiet bang. he waved his hand through the wall then vanished through it, leif following right behind him.

okay. what. the. fuck. now i know for a fact that you can't just go through walls, that only happens in harry potter not in real life! i walk over to the wall, cautiously, almost tripping over the rug that lay on the floor. i placed my pale palm onto the surface of the wall, only for it to go right through.

i quickly took my hand back out, shaking it as if i had touched something disgusting. i then decided that i should take the risk and go through. who knows what will be on the other side. i closed my eyes tight and hesitantly went through the wall, a weird feeling going through my whole body as i did so.

as the weird feeling left my body and i stood still, i opened my eyes and amazement swept me off my feet.

the room was massive with a staircase on each side, a fountain in the left and right back corner and what seemed like ancient patterns on the floor. a huge scarlet rug that you'd only find in a royal castle lay in the middle of the floor all the way to another door at the end of the room. thin waterfalls cascaded down the walls and into the fountains from the second open floor of the room. four huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling, twinkling a golden white.

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