𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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nora's (you) pov
3125 words

"ava!" i called into the empty apartment in an annoyed tone. i've been looking for this girl for what seems like forever now! i wanted to surprise her and arrive into town early from campus. i completed my years at university and i was so proud of myself but right now i can't exactly celebrate it right now.

"ava!" i called again, concern starting to make its way into my voice but still no response.

suddenly i was pinned against the wall, my back colliding with the snowy white wall harshly and my breath knocked right out of my body. my dark emerald green eyes instantly widened as i stared at the blade held up to my neck, then to the man in front of me. he had white hair and green horns and a seriously corrupted expression on his face.

i started coughing, trying to regain my breath as i felt like choking, especially under the threat of a weapon about to slice through my throat by a stranger in my little sister's apartment. speaking of my little sister... they better not have killed her wherever the hell she is!

"and who the hell are you!" the guy in front of me growled, his eyes narrowed and his expression like a murderer's when they're about to claim their next victim.

"leif stop!" rhys shouted from the couch in the centre of ava's living room, his eyes widening at the younger's sudden actions before he grabbed him by his collar and dragged him away from me.

i fell onto the floor of the apartment, struggling to catch my breath. as soon as i got it back i looked up, anger starting to control me as i realised what had just happened.

"what the fuck! who do you think you are!" i snapped then staring at leif and the figure behind him with a strong hold of his collar with rage and dislike in my eyes.

i then notice ava being held up by an extremely tall guy with long chocolaty brown hair, his hand covering her mouth as she gave out continuous muffled screams.

i ran over to her and tried to kick the guy that had a hold of her in the legs, only to be sent crashing back to the ground. what the?

suddenly i heard crackling of flames behind me and i turn around quickly to investigate, only to come in eye contact with a very angry male with raven black hair and eyes and creamy white horns with a golden ring around one, a sphere of fire spinning in the palm of his hand.

"who are you, human," he growled, irritated by the screaming he'd been listening to for the past three hours.

i wasn't going to have my life threatened once more, no way. i lifted my hand and slapped his cheek aggressively before hauling myself up from the ground and launching myself into ava and the horned guy that held her, knocking her out of his grip as he gasped in shock. i then grabbed her hand and made a run for it before leif suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of us, holding a scythe in each hand and a sharp toothed grin on his face, blocking our escape.

"move out of the way before i-i," i quickly looked around at my closest surroundings to find something that i could threaten him with. i spotted a pencil on the ground and instantly picked it up and held it in front of me, the sharp tip facing him. "-i'll kill you with this!"

he looked alarmed and pointed to me. "she has a weapon!"

i then felt myself lifting off from my feet and dangling in the air, an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, the pencil dropping from my hand. i struggled to free myself but whoever had a grip on me and ava in one arm each was very strong.

the guy with the eyes and hair as black as the midnight sky now appeared in front of us with a mad expression. the side of his cheek was painful and red from where he had been slapped. "how dare you!" and the fire from before appeared from his hand again.

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