𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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ava's pov
2759 words

"this is a mall! humans come here to gather casting supplies in order to make our homes more comfortable," i explained in a weird voice. they seem to do this weird fantasy roleplaying kind of thing so i thought i would mimic their behaviour. they don't know any better and don't understand much about our culture anyways and its fun! so why not.

noi's bright orange eyes sparkled at the mentioning of the mall with a fascinated, "a mall." he stared in awe around the inside of the building and up to the ceiling. he turned his young gaze back to me as i began to explain why this place was so awesome.

"mhm! it's a really cool one too because it has-" i skipped joyfully over to the entrance to a large shop and my eyes sparkled - i imagine just as how noi's had - as i called out, "a convenient store," the three of the daemos followed my footsteps over to the store, eyebrows raised in confusion as to why this certain room was so fascinating to me.

i then barged past pierce and asch in excitement to the other side of the massive corridor, posing in front of another entrance like i had done at the one before. "and a thrift store!" the daemos kept following me around like lost puppies and i had to admit it was freaking adorable.

"my two favourite shops!" i smiled brightly before mumbling to myself rather quickly, "and the only ones i go to because i'm too broke and i don't have a job and rely on my parents..."

"how does this help?" asch asked confused, his dark black eyes confused but interested to explore this new place.

"oh easy! we're going to get you human clothes here," i smiled.

" those human female humans over there were trying to use their blinding magic on us again," pierce said as he wasn't paying attention to what I was saying but instead looking at a group of two girls who were taking multiple pictures on their phones with the flash on of the guys.

"oh those are the condors, they probably think you guys are cosplaying which really works in our favour because now that i think about it i'm not sure how we're going to address the horns.." i explained to the three before a voice i never wanted to hear called out my name from a few steps down the corridor.

"oh my god, ava!"

"oh no," i muttered.

a girl with short brown hair with ginger highlights, pale skin and teal blue eyes ran up behind me, wearing a short black dress with an apron wrapped around her waist, her dark grey boots climbing up to her knees. she wore a white headband in her hair and a bright teal ribbon tied into a neat bow on the top of her apron.

"it is you oh my gosh, i thought you were busy this weekend!" she squealed in excitement, her teal blue eyes bright and full of energy.

"same to you! i thought you were going to the convention or something! i mean i was nice to you on the phone so..." i started to say in fake happiness, in reality i was dreading this very moment, but my 'friend' here, who goes by the name loerlai, didn't catch on to all this.

"oh i am. i just stopped by the thrift shop for a sewing kit, had a little cosplay accident," she winked. "anywho now that you're here we can go to the con together!" she added.

"uh yeaaaah about that, see i-i caaan't because i, uh, i-i'm sick!" i proceeded to fake cough while saying "cough" in-between which now that i think about it was pretty dumb. nobody actually says 'cough' when they have an itchy throat.

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