Chapter 12 FINAL

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"Tails, are you sure that we are safe here?" Rouge was pacing around a large table within Tails' workshop. G.U.N. captured Shadow just a little over three hours ago, and the treasure hunter was worried for her and Omega's safety. Surely by now, the government must be after her and the robotic friend. No matter where they are, G.U.N. will find them. But the bat was also worried for Shadow. She knows all to well the torture that G.U.N. can do to him. "And, how are we supposed to get Shadow out of their base? G.U.N. probably has him locked away in their most secured cells."

    "I don't know, Rouge..." Tails just shook his head as he looked over at the nervous bat. Thanks to the tracking device left by Shadow, they knew his location. Now, Tails was working on hacking G.U.N.'s mainframe, but while the task was difficult, the fox was determined to get in, and try to give the group a chance to get their friend away from the government. "But, I feel that if I can deactivate the defenses to the base that is housing Shadow, we should be able to storm it, and get him out."

    "NEGATIVE." Omega's voice rung through the room, "G.U.N. WILL HAVE THE BASE THAT IS HOLDING SHADOW HEAVILY FORTIFIED. THE POSSIBILITY OF YOUR PLAN WORKING IS LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT." Tails sighed. He knew Omega was right, but it was the only plan that yielded any any progress. It was the best plan they had of rescuing Shadow.

    "There just has to be a way!" Tails slammed his fists down on the table.

    "Shadow said something about a fighting robot you made." Amy's voice was quiet and weak. The sleeping gas had left her throat soar, and her intense worrying for Shadow wasn't doing the little hedgehog any favors. "Maybe we can use that to help?" Tails shook his head.

    "It will be a while before it's repaired. Shadow had to damage it badly so it would stop attacking him."

    "Wait!" Knuckles' head shot up as a idea popped into his head, "Doesn't he have his emerald? Can't he just warp out?" Again, this question received another head shake from Tails as he took out the Chaos Emerald that Shadow left with him.

    "He forgot to take it back before he left. He was somewhat hurt so he my not of thought of it at the time..." The group fell silent as the realization of everything was hitting them. That included the possibility that Sonic betrayed Shadow. No one really wanted to believe it, but, they couldn't ignore the fact that Sonic had been acting differently towards Shadow and Amy after Christmas. He was much more distant, he was colder to them, along with the rest of the group. The hero completely changed.

    "Amy! What are you doing!?" Tails' voice broke everyone out of their thoughts as they saw Amy snatch the green gem away from Tails. Her eyes had filled up with determination, and hope.

    "Shadow has been training me on how to use Chaos Control! I can get to him, and get him out!" Hope had returned to the pink hedgehog's voice. She sounded like a new woman.

    "Sweetie," Rouge walked up next to Amy, and placed a hand on the pink hedgehogs shoulder, "are you going to be able to just warp right next to him from here? If it's the base I'm thinking it is, it will be pretty far." Amy just twirled the emerald in her hand, a smirk on her face.

    "Well, actually, I have a plan. But first, I have to get home, and grab the emerald I hid before the attack. That way, Shadow will have his Chaos Emerald back. But, in order for this to work, I will need you guys to create a distraction for me. You guys will have to get the bases' attention. Once you do that, I can teleport to Shadow and-" The sound of wood breaking cut the hedgehog off, as a voice boomed throughout the workshop, along with the sound of heavy footsteps running through the upstairs portion of the workshop. "Rouge the Bat! We know you are here. If you come out right now, we can make this easy for everyone involved!"

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