Chapter 39: Mere Amusement

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🎡Chapter 39: Mere Amusement

Coco woke up with Ami, groaning as he sat up. No corruption here was a relief, was still worrisome. Maybe there was a source inside the place? No, he didn't want to think about it. Coco didn't say anything, but he was kind of...well, he didn't get along with Ami too much. Ari was probably the most distant from him along with Pepe, but Ami was a close second. The guy was just...well, maybe he just had a short temper or something.

The duo had ended up in a marsh-like area by the beach, almost a bay. Coco didn't like mosquitoes, and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. The duo could see a rollercoaster from where they were, but it was pretty far. Ami suggested they just walk alongside the shore until they didn't have to go through the marsh, and Coco agreed, even though it would take some time. They needed to avoid any further injuries or conditions until they got a stable source of help.


Digo woke up with Ari. He was kind of surprised at this, since Digo was one of the smallest shapes and Ari was the tallest and largest. Since the winds had taken part in splitting everyone, Digo thought he'd be with Cas, but he wasn't arguing. Digo and Ari were currently by some rocks on the beach, but it appeared that they hadn't been injured by any of them. They could see a ferris wheel on the island from where they were.

They figured they should at least try to get to civilization. From there, they could gather a group to death for the others, or perhaps make a signal of some sort to get back together. Both of them got up off the sand and began to make their way up to the houses and boardwalk. There were no noises coming from the area though, which worried them a little. Hopefully there weren't any corrupted citizens to deal with.

As they made their way over the dunes, they came across a tall grass field. Even Ari couldn't see over it, but Digo riding on Ari's shoulders was tall enough to look over the grass. They had nothing to cut away at the grass with, so this would be the best they could get. Worse case scenario, they'd slip into a hole or fall into deep waters. The grass around the area wasn't pink, so there couldn't be any corruption around.

Taking in a deep breath, they began their trek.


Ina woke up with El. First thing she did was check for injuries that might have happened. Turned out, it was just minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Nothing major or bleeding, so at least they weren't on a time limit to get help. They were by several palm trees, which seemed to lead into a forest of some sort.

Since they had no shelter at the moment, they figured a forest was better than nothing. After all, they were targets if they were out in the open on the beach like this. Slowly, both of them stood up, and began walking to the palm trees. The storm clouds still hadn't cleared up yet, but at least it wasn't raining. The duo hoped it wouldn't, though. The last thing they needed now was corrupted rain.

As they made their way through the trees, they began looking around the place. There were a few coconuts around, but they were too high up to reach. Besides, neither shape had the strength at the moment to start shaking a tree, even if they were pretty hungry. Ina wanted to say something, perhaps strike up a conversation, just to make time go by. Unfortunately, she didn't know what to say, even though the chances were that El would be willing to talk about anything.

"Hey, what do ya think we should do for shelter if we don't make it to civilization in time?" El asked.

Ina looked up, surprised that El had spoken first.

"I...I'm not sure. I don't see twigs or sticks to build something. We could probably hide in a bush or something if we have to, I really don't know, haha..." Ina replied sheepishly.

"Well then," El smiled, "I look forward to that."


Cas thought he woke up alone, but upon further inspection, realized that Elis was with him. Elis had been knocked out however, as he seemed to be tilted on his side and out of the water. Cas slowly made his way over to Elis, hoping he hadn't been gravely injured. He didn't want corrupted water to get into the wounds. Then he'd probably have to fight Elis in that state, and he was already bruised from a rough landing.

Cas heard some sort of creaking, and looked up to see Elis straining to try and get back up properly again. Larger shapes like him often didn't use their limbs, and Cas figured it would be no use for Elis to use his limbs now in this state. He didn't even know how often Elis did it, so he didn't want to push him too far.

"You okay?" Cas asked loudly.

"Yeah...just...hit the ground a little too hard..." Elis groaned.

"Here, I can help you up!" Cas said, and ran over more.

"No, don't try. Just...get to that amusement park place and get help. I'll be fine" Elis responded, straining his voice.

"Ah...okay! No more talking, don't waste your energy. I'll do that for you."

Cas turned away from the ocean waters and towards the island. He squinted, and noticed something in the distance. Without another word, he began to make his way over to it, jogging up to and over the sand dunes in no time. Looking out across the land let him notice several crablike monsters of different sizes scuttling across the flatter areas of sand. They were red, gray, and blue, but none of them were corrupted.

This field stretched on for quite some time, and Cas figured that if he was going to get across, he was going to have to talk to the crabs first.

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