Chapter 32: Mall Is Calm...

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🏢Chapter 32: Mall Is Calm...

The group got off the log as they neared the land. The mall was several feet away from them, but it was the real deal. Ari tugged the log aside so that the group could use it later. The group then resumed their trek on foot, keeping an eye out for both friend and foe. They needed to get Rey as soon as possible to get to that treeangle piece.

Daisy said he was looking for supplies, huh. Well, if all else failed they could get ahold of a few things and try to lure him over to their side. But anyway, he was priority one. All other enemies, foes, and obstacles were second priority unless they interfered directly with getting Rey back. As the group approached the mall, they began scanning the area around it for anything that might ambush them.

The trees around them opened up to a clearing, to which the group saw that nobody was there. No suspicious machines or structures nearby, just an open plain with a small rock road, open blue sky, and the mall in the center. It was kind of weird to see a mall all the way out here, but perhaps it had been isolated for a reason? There was a parking lot at least, so that meant something. No cars or vehicles were present within it, though.

The group cautiously approached the place. So far so good, and they were able to make it to the mall without anything attacking. It was a huge white building, with glass windows in perfect rectangles lining the sides with perfect alignment. A few had been cracked, but there was no sign of corruption anywhere here. Taking a deep breath, the group moved forward and walked through the the doors, surprised that they were unlocked.

They walked into the mall from there and had a look around. The lights were on, and the place looked pretty tidy. The main thing however, was that the mall was basically deserted. It felt wrong, seeing as how malls were usually a place for social gathering and family/friend get-togethers/meet ups. It wasn't scary, it just kind of Like an alternate realm or something.

Nonetheless, the group got to looking. If Rey had gone here for supplies, chances were he was in some sort of tool store, maybe even a food place. They came to a halt at a board that contained the mall map.

"Alright, should we split up and search? We can cover more area that way" El said.

"While I do see the positives of this, I also see the negatives. We don't know if there's a corrupted being within the area or not, so splitting up might put us at risk of weakening our strength as a team" Cho replied.

"So...we'll just stick together in one group and walk around this place? Won't that attract attention?" Ami asked.

"Well, we do not know our way around this mall, and since there seems to be an absence of paper maps, we can't risk getting lost" Cho explained.

"I see tool store!" Ari shouted suddenly.


But it was too late to stop him. Ari had already bolted like a dog without a leash towards a nearby tool store. It wasn't far away, but if everyone was going to do this, they needed to stick together and cooperate. Sighing, Cho merely shook his head and had the others follow. They peeked in through over store windows as they walked to see if there was anyone else inside, but they still had no luck.

Upon reaching the small tool store, the group spread out as best they could and had a look around. Many tools had been taken off of hangers and out of trays and crates, but there were still many that remained. They were all made of metal, as it seemed that this store was for construction tools. The group had a look around the store, keeping an eye open for any clues they could use. They found nothing, but Ari began taking a few tools himself.

"Uh. What are you doing?" Coco asked him in a "you probably shouldn't be doing that" tone.

"Take tools. Help team!" Ari simply responded.

"I mean...we COULD use them? As long as nobody gets hurt, I'm okay with it" Ina said.

"I dunno, something in me doesn't like this" Digo mumbled. "I'm used to actually paying for things in a store."

While the group was talking, Cas left the store all by himself. All that talk bored him, he wanted some action and adventure to occupy him. He was sure the group wouldn't mind if he just went a little further, since he could always just walk back if they called for him. He walked down the empty halls, looking up to see a second and third floor. Those looked tiring to try and search, especially considering how big this place was. Then again, maybe it was just him being small.

Suddenly, he heard something. It sounded like someone or thing talking, and it was coming from the end of the hallway. Cas stopped walking, wondering if he should go back and warn the others or keep going alone. Well, these shapes weren't too far away, and if Cas got caught he could surely yell for help, right? Surely it was okay, then.

Cas began to slowly resume his walk down the hallway, careful with every step. He watched for any loose or stray things on the floor, like things he could slip on or things that could make noise. The last thing he needed at the moment was to lose the element of surprise. As he approached the end of the hallway, he backed up against the wall, keeping his body as flat as he could against it. Cas took in a deep breath and held it before slowly peeping around the corner.

H.O.W. was on an indoor playground, chattering evily amongst themselves.

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