Knocking on heavens door

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(Peter's P.O.V)

Jumping onto the roof after hearing the scream i say "Karen, where's the danger". I scan the darkening skyline, looking at all the buildings and alleys. 

'Go 4 buildings to the left and 2 forward, there appears to be a gang with modified weapons there. A woman accidently walked into them' She replies. 

As soon as i am given the directions i jump of the building i was on and swing to the gang. I land on the roof next to them and take in my surroundings. 8 guys, guns and knives in hand, a woman pinned against the wall. 

Taking a closer look at the guns i see they have some kind of glowing liquid in them, the bullets seeming to glow brightly. The knives also seem to have some kind of glowing liquid on them. I shudder at the thought of what damage they could cause. 

Deciding now was the time i jump down into the alley, joining them all. 

"Stop, get some help". I say, startling them all and allowing the woman to run. 

They all turn to me, faces warped in anger and malice. 

"You'll pay for that. Bug", One man says, stepping forward and pointing his knife and gun at me. 

Gasping i say "How dare you. I am an arachnid i'll have you know."

Without another word they all charge forward, guns blazing and knives slicing the air. I jump out of the way of all the shots and slices. I start to web all the men up, taking away all their weapons. 

Two men are left, each with their knives and guns still in hand. One man comes toward me and i start to fight him, throwing punches and kicks, i dodge every bullet that comes my way and slash of the knife. 

Just as my fist connects with the man i am fighting, my senses start to go crazy. It's then that i remember the other man, just as i knock out the man i am fighting, a burning sensation breaks through my abdomen. 

Gasping i turn around and see the last man stood there, the man smiles evilly and pulls the knife from my abdomen, the liquid that was on it now replaced with blood. Ignoring the pain the seems to gnaw away at the wound and the pain rippilling through my veins, i send i swift punch to the man's face, who falls unconscious after the blow. I web them both up and start to swing away, feeling my vision slowly darken with every swing. 

Landing on a roof of a building i collapse to the floor, trying to stop the on going bleeding that doesn't seem to be slowing down.

 "K-Karen call d-dad" I slur, feeling myself start to lose consciousness. 

"Peter, Bud what's wrong" I can faintly hear my dad say. 

Using the last of my energy i say "Help, please". 

On the brink of darkness i hear him say "yeah Petey, i'm on my way just hold o-". I hear nothing else as i fall into darkness. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

I jump into my suit, flying faster and faster with every second that passes. 

"FRI where is he", I asks hurriedly, panicking more and more. 

'Here is his location boss' FRIDAY replies, his location appearing in my mask.


As soon as i see his figure laying still on the roof, i panic and fly faster to him. As soon as i land on the roof i don't hesitate to jump out of my suit and run to him. 

"Pete can you hear me?" I ask, carefully removing his mask from his face. My heart drops when  i see his eyes closed and his face pale. 

I see the blood on his chest, and then see the stab wound. Without thinking i fall to his side, pulling his head onto my lap and putting pressure on his wound. I frown as i realize he doesn't seem to be healing. 

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