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(Peter's P.O.V)

I wish i hadn't left. Hadn't jumped from the window to go help people. Because now, as the voices fill my head, laughter and hateful words are spewed from around me, i know i am going to die. 

Let's rewind some time so you can understand my predicament. 


 I walk into the common room and see my dad sitting there on his Stark pad working, looking at the clock and seeing that it is nearly 9 in the evening i decide to go patrolling. 

"Dad" I ask, catching his attention from his work. 

Looking up he smiles and replies "What's up bud."

I smile, trying to make him let me go as i reply "Can i go on patrol, pleaseeee."

Sighing dad says, "Okay kiddo, but stay safe okay."

I nod shouting a reply before getting into my suit and jumping out of the window to fight some crime. 


And fight crime i did. 

But as i was fighting or swinging, i felt like i was being watched by someone. My senses wouldn't calm down and yet i couldn't see anyone. 

Feeling the fear slowly seep into my veins, i jump into an alley and tell Karen to call dad. I could see in the corner of my mask the fact that it was nearing midnight, every second that passed increasing the sense of vulnerability i felt.

It really was weird, i have never felt like this before, just, so scared that something bad will happen. 

"Kiddo, are you okay, answer me bud" I hear my dad say. 

It's then that i snap back into reality and realise that dad has been calling my name for a while now. 

"Dad, i don't- somethings wrong. My senses, they just, they're warning me of something. I'm scared" I say to my dad. 

Before my dad or i can get another word in, a menacing laugh comes from the shadows and a gravelly voice saying "good. You're scared". 

Something heavy hits the back of my head, and my mask is ripped from my face. 

As darkness dances in my vision, i can hear my dads shouts, and feel someone start to drag me away. 

(End flashback)

A bag was over my head; i could hear the sound of the talking above me. Pain shot through my head where i got hit and i could feel pain in my stomach as well. 

Focusing back in to what is around me i hear a man talking:

"It's up to you Stark, either pay up, or we will make him suffer then leave him to die, it's your choice" The man says. 

At the end of his sentence the bag is ripped from my head, bright lights making me squint and look forward, seeing a camera, with a red dot signalling it's recording. 

"Dad." I whisper. 

Before anything else can happen the man pulls out a shots my stomach, for what i can guess is the second time. 

Instead of fighting i decide to let the darkness swarm my vision, just hoping my dad will save me. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

They took him. 

They took my son. 

It all happend so fast, he called me, then within what felt like seconds there was a menacing voice and then the sound of my kids whimper. 

5 times Peter Nearly Died. 1 Time He Did.Where stories live. Discover now