Arms of an angel

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(Peter's P.O.V)

Today my dad and the others are going on a mission, and i am determined to go with them. I'm 15, nearly 16 and i have been Spiderman for more than a year now. I have been fighting crime and stopping bad people, i was even offered a spot with the avengers, AKA, my family. 

But i declined, i know, i know. Why didn't i join them. Well the truth is i want to be able to help the little guy, and i know if i was with the avengers, i wouldn't really be able to help with the little things. 

Everyone understood my reasoning and didn't push me, which i was very grateful for. I had just heard on the news that there are some robots with alien tech causing havoc downtown, and i know the avengers are going to go, and i am determined to go and help. 


I run into the common room where everyone is getting ready. I spot my dad talking to Uncle Steve and run over to him. 

Uncle Steve ruffles my hair and walks away as i look to my dad, already giving him my puppy eyes. 

"What's up Petey?" He asks. 

I smile innocently and say, "Well as you have to go on a mission. I was wondering if i could come. Pleaseeeee?"

Dad seems to tense up slightly at me going but after looking at me i hear him sigh. 

"You can come-" Dad starts, but i cut him off by hugging him tightly. (Little did Tony know that this could well be the last hug he ever received from his son.)

I start thanking him over and over but he cuts me off and says, "But, you need to promise me you will stay safe." 

I nod quickly and say, "I will as long as you will."

After that i ran off and got into my suit to join my family in helping people.


As we arrive, i see just how many there are. And let me tell you, there is a lot. 

Everyone gave me a reassuring look and my dad gave me the look to say to stay safe. 

Then we went to battle.


I could tell something was off straight away. Like something bad was going to happen. 

So far i was able to take out all the robots around me. The ones i fought all had guns as weapons, but i had seen some of the ones others were fighting had alien guns that looked nasty. 

I did get shot a couple times here and there, but nowhere to dangerous that will make me bleed out before i heal. In the arm, leg and shoulder is where i was shot. I know for sure i have an abundance of bruises, but that's not surprising. 

After clearing my area i look and see my dad having some problems with his area. 

I swing toward him and see him fighting a rather large and tough robot. 

As i get closer i got i saw a robot rise behind him. Somehow looking more ombinous and devilish then any of the others. I look and see him raising a gun, that looks to be alien. The gun seems to radiate power that could kill anyone, even in a metal enclosed suit. 

The gun starts to charge, blue light growing stronger and stronger. I can feel my sense buzz painfully in my mind. 

I know what's about to happen. And i will not let it. 

Everything seems to fall into slow motion as i charge forward. 

(Third Person P.O.V)

Tony was in the middle of fighting a bot, when he heard the familiar sound of his sons web shooters, even over all the chaos. 

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