On earth and Heaven

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A/N- Welp. Have fun. :)

(Third Person P.O.V)

When someone dies, people always give their condolences, say's how sorry they are and that they wish the person was still there. Tony had always hated it, hated the sadness and the sorrowful looks he was given. He hated it so much, because no matter what someone said, they would never come back. And live. 


Death was final. No matter what you did in life, if you lived it to the fullest or didn't do much with your life. At the end of it all, death was there, in everyone's life. Death didn't care what age you were, what race or sex, death didn't care if you had something to do or someone to see. It was scary just how final it really was. 

Tony never thought he would let death take anyone else he loved away from him. But death is more powerful than any creature. 

Someone's clock has stopped ticking. 

Death has arrived. 


The scream echoed across the battlefield. 

Everyone was fighting HYDRA agents, but they had more advanced and dangerous weapons. 

Tony heard the scream and his heart stopped. It couldn't be. It couldn't be- but somehow he knew somewhere deep within it was. 


Without even thinking he powers his repulsors all the way up and blasts everyone around him before flying off to his kid. 

The sight in front of him made his world momentarily stop spinning and his heart shatter. 

There was his kid, laying on the floor. Blood surrounding him and a sharp spear sitting close to his heart. 

Way to close. 

He dropped to the floor beside his son and let the suit dissolve back into his reactor. 

"Peter" He chokes out, pulling his child- his dying child closer to him. 

Peter looks up with glassy eyes, his mask having been removed by an agent. Peter opened his mouth to say something. but instead coughed roughly, blood slowly falling from his lips and dripping down his chin. 

"Dad." Peter said, it was barely a whisper and it broke Tony's heart.

"You'll be okay Petey. I swear bubba. I love you so much please don't let go." Tony begged his child, holding on to him desperately.

Tony knew he was lying. He knew his son wouldn't live, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't live through this. But Tony didn't want to think of that. Didn't want to think of his son taking his final breath on this earth and Tony to still be here. And yet, here they were. 

Tony let his head fall to Peter's, foreheads touching. 

Peter was dying and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. HYDRA had killed the one thing that collectively brought the whole team light. 

Tears streamed down Tony's face and dropped onto the bloody ground below. 

"I love you dad." Peter said quietly, eyes slowly drifting to the darkening skies. 

"I love you to Bambi. I love you so much." Tony said. 

As soon as Tony had finished talking, the skies started to cry, rain slowly hitting down all around them. Peter's eyes turned vacant and a single tear fell down his now lifeless face. 

5 times Peter Nearly Died. 1 Time He Did.Where stories live. Discover now