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(Third Person P.O.V)

It's no surprise that Spiderman and Peter Parker are seen as two different people. For one, Spiderman is seen as a hero, who isn't scared of anything, and knows the avengers. 

Whereas, Peter Parker is seen as a civilian. Who is scared of the wars and conflicts, who doesn't know any of the avengers beside Tony Stark for his internship. 

So, what's the worst that can happen when the two identities mix together. 

(Peter's P.O.V)

To say today has been a good day would be an understatement. Today has been the best. My dad said we could work on the suit when i get home, my teachers didn't give me any homework, Flash wasn't at school and i just had the best sandwich ever. 


I was on the way home, walking along the street when my senses started to go off. Looking around i see no danger and keep going. 

Everything seems to fall into slow motion, I see a little boy run out into the street, the mother trying to grab his arm, a car going at least 80 miles an hour. Then i was there, lifting him into my arms, feeling the impact of the car slam into my body, shielding the child from the car and floor. 





(Third Person P.O.V) 

When Peter ran into the street, grabbing the child, everyone let out a relieved sigh. The teen had saved the young boy from the car. But then Peter was hit, hard. The driver had tried to slow down, but with the speed and the amount of braking time they had, they hit the teen. 

The screech of tires and the iron smell of the blood blurred everything. Screams from bystanders, shouts of the distraught mother whos child is still laying under the limp body of the teen. Cries of people and children who witnessed the horrific accident. The motionless body of the teen who saved the young boy, slowly dying on the cold and dirty asphalt. 

Seconds passed everyone frozen, until one person ran to the two children. Then everyone did. Ever so slowly, a women rolled Peter of the crying young boy. He jumped up, running to his mother's awaiting arms. 

People looked down at Peter and let out audible gasps. His arm was obviously broken, face covered in many cuts and bruises. Head dangerously covered in blood, chest rising and falling in an odd manner. 

Murmurs were heard throughout the crowd, people saying how he saved the boy. People saying how he was a hero. The mother of the child that was saved, sobbing as she hugged her son, her son who was alive and okay because of the boy laying on the floor, dying. She kept repeating how he saved him, how he saved her son. 

Yet they forgot Peter is also a son. 

Suddenly a sound cut through all the comotion. Metal slamming into the road, a desperate cry and the sound of a father's shout. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

'Sir, i advise you watch this' FRIDAY says, somehow concern in her voice. 

Frowning i place my tools down and say "Ok FRI, show me". 

A video appears in front of me, only minutes old, if that. There are these two kids talking to the camera, but that's not what catches my eye. In the far left i see a little boy run into the road. A car is coming, fast as well. Then my worst nightmare, Peter is there, lifting the kid into his arms, and then the car hits him. 

5 times Peter Nearly Died. 1 Time He Did.Where stories live. Discover now