1938- Entry 1

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My names Sofia Nicoli, I have dark brown hair and brown/black eyes. I live in Italy with my parents. My dad’s name is Abba and my mother’s name is Chava, I have one younger sibling named Gesue. We live in a three bedroom house in Assisi . My mother owns an Italian restaurant called “L’ultima Cena”. The name mean the last supper. My dad made the money being a doctor. We never had to worry about the roof over our head and the food being served to us on the table. I’m in 10h grade going into 11h. I had a nice family, good friends, and no worries to bother me. I have this one german friend named Alice Fischer she’s a blonde hair blue eyed german. I over hear many people tell her that she shouldn’t be friends with me but i’m glad she don’t listen to them. I went over to my friends, Alice, as i walked in the door her mom went crazy. She dropped the plate she was doing dishes on and yelled at Alice. What her mom said really hit me hard. All i heard was “Take that thing back to whatever hole you found it in.”. As Alice looked back at me i was in tears and didn’t say anything. After that we took a walk to my mom's restaurant. We helped her with the tables so she could worry about cooking. Then when we were all done she made us crispy potato latkes, potatoes pancakes cooked in oil. They were amazing I”ll never forget the taste of them. I walked Alice home and she told her mom about the pancakes my mother made and her mom said “ You shouldn’t be putting that poisonous stuff in your body. “ As i started walking home i ran her words through my head over and over again until it finally hit me. She was talking about my mother’s food due to its jewish origin. I know Alice would never betray me so i always had trust in her. She was a really good friends with me and i was happy about it. Little did i know how my life would changed in such little time.


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