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Barry Allen was exposed to the symbiote thanks to complications that occurred when he was in his coma.. Unfortunately for Eobard Thawne  the symbiote shared every detail he overheard as it formed a permanent bond..  As they balanced each other, truly connected and saved each out there was no separation, no distinction. Not as Barry wearing the suit or the suit using him.. They were The Flash!   The moment they made their mark, Star Labs are partially trashed as they nearly killed the Reverse Flash leaving him actually in need of the wheelchair.. 

Constantly defending any remarks of being a parasite while serving as an occasional frightening  lethal protector that ate parts of people. Hunter Zolomon lost two time remnants, and Reverb lost his hands to him...

" We only eat the worst and not all of them.."

" I ripped it out with fangs.."

" You come in here again... In fact, you go anywhere in this city, preying on innocent people, and we will find you and we will eat both of your arms and then both of your legs. And then we will eat your face right off your head. Do you understand?"

" There is no Barry, no Kylntar just us."

" Kidneys and Applesauce!"

" I was kidding! Come back!"
" If you take us apart both of us will die!"

" I mauled them not massacred them.."

" Kara knows what it is"

" Parasite is offensive!" 

" That chocolate is the only keeping me from eating one of the bright minds!"

" Ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." 

" Black lightning with gray.."

" Those are claws not gloves."

" We can do anything we need to, to protect you.." 

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