Niall tells

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   -=Niall's P.O.V=-

      I can't believe Harry would kill someone.. Why would he think of what Pay's thinking.? Does she and him have a.. Connection.? Humm.. I have to tell the guys about this.. I took my phone out and called Zayn, Louis, and Liam and put it 4way.  "Hello.?" They all say. "Guys.!!" "What's up Niall.?" Liam asked. "Harry, he really messed up.. " I said. "Did he throw himself at another fan.?" Louis  said and they all started laughing. "Louis, not funny. Harry's.. Hes .. Done something no directioner would want him to do." I say. "DID HE RAPE SOME-" Louis started. I interrupted, "LOUIS SHUT THE HELL UP.!! Harry Killed someone and is worried what Pay'll think.." "Oh my gosh.. Your kidding.?" "No Louis. I'm serious. I'm gonna call Pay.." I take the phone off my ear. The other guys keep talking but I cant make out what it is they're saying. I found Payton's number and called. "Hello, guys I called her." I said. "okay." After a few rings she answered. "Hello.?" "Hello Pay, it's Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Zayn." I said . "hey"  they all say. "Harry still a no-show." She sounded worried and sad. "Yeah. That's what thus call was about, Pay.. Harry.. He um-" I started. "He killed someone..." Louis finished. "WHAT.?! LOU, NIALL, ZAYN THAT ISNT A GOOD PRANK.. YOU DON'T JOKE LIKE THAT .. LIAM.. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO JUST LET THEM.?!" I'm almost pretty sure that was a statement.. It came out as a question tone. "Pay, they do know better... I do at least.." Liam whispered into the phone. "Hey!" Louis yelled. "I mean you aren't even grown so.." Zayn says. "GUYS FOCUS.!! I screem. "Pay, Harry seemed really guilty, I think he did something really bad. I mean maybe he didn't kill someone, but something Like that, he is so worried." I finish. "Okay, let's all meet up at Niall's. Pay, don't come. He won't come if you go. It seems as if he's avoiding you. We'll figure out what he did. Okay.?" Zayn clears. "Alright.. Guys I wanna know what he did so just make sure you guys tell me what he did do bad." She said. "Okay" we all said and with that I hung up. 

(!Niall's house!)

   "Okay, so you have to get Harry to come over here." Louis says. "Okay." I took out my phone onece again. And called Harry.  He answered after the first ring. "Hazza, whacha want.?" "Hazza, its Niall.. Meet up with me and the boys at me place." I said. "Alright. Be there in 20- wait is Payton gonna be there.?!" "No  come." "Okay, I'll be there in 20."

HEY GUYS.!! So,  sorry its late. But heyy... Yeah... *awkward silence* yeah.. Next chapter. Hopefully tmrw.. Okay..  Soery for the mistakes.. Okay... Um...Bye ~ Karly

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