two × now

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22nd October 2014

Amelia woke up to the irritating sound of her alarm blaring through the speakers of her iPhone, on a cold Tuesday morning. She very much wishes that she was anywhere but where she was at that exact moment. She thought about how she had the power to do anything, often: how she could jump out of her bedroom window, run to the airport and fly somewhere, shout at an elderly man as he walks across the park - anything. But of course, there is a little sound at the back of her head called common sense, that disallows her to act upon such wild ideas.

So, she decides to do the normal thing and get ready for school. As she picks out an outfit (a striped, cropped bodycon top; high waisted black, ripped skinny jeans; black, platform Chelsea ankle boots and an oversized denim jacket) she thinks about how much she hates school; as she does her hair up into a high ponytail, she thinks about how she has no friends whatsoever and as she does her make up (her usual light foundation, eye liner, mascara and lip balm) she imagines how her life could have turned out hadn't it been for the event that occured at the end of middle school.

Snapping out of her contemplatory mood, she grabs a black backpack and hops downstairs towards the kitchen. The house iss as silent a 3am beach walk in the middle of December, although she lives with 4 other people. She knows exactly where her mother, father, older sister and sister's boyfriend are at this exact minute and why on earth the house is as quiet as it is at 8am. Her mother is at work at the hospital, her father is probably still asleep (he takes the stay-at-home father job to whole new levels) and her older sister and her boyfriend (who made sure to call them all his inlaws whenever he spoke to them) are at their coffee shop.

So, like everyday, Amelia skips breakfast and calms her hunger with a glass of cold orange juice from the fridge. It wasn't quite Amelia's fault that she would see an airplane in the sky and wish that she was in it, no matter where it was going to, or that she wished that she was a bird and could fly anywhere but where she was now. Her life wasn't the most positive or worth living, in her opinion. Amelia grabs her keys and leaves the house to school.

Not so far away from Amelia lives Calum Hood, a boy whose life is the polar opposite to Amelia's. Where he wakes to his curtains open and the sweet smell of pancakes and syrup filling his room. He smiles, instead of groaning, at the sudden realization that he is alive and well. He happily changes into black jeans and a Green Day shirt, runs his hand through his brown and blonde streaked hair and is greeted by his sister and mother already eating breakfast. He grabs a two fluffy pancakes, muttering a thanks to his sighing mom and a bye to his sister before also leaving the house.

Meanwhile the two make their separate ways to school, they cross over. Like an X, starting far away from each other - but never parallel, before they meet briefly in the middle and finally part ways again. As Calum's sleek black Mercedes pauses at the red light on the left lane, Amelia's bright red Convertible stops briefly at the red light on the right lane. If it was summer, or perhaps a warmer season: Calum's tinted windows may have been rolled down, or Amelia's roof off. But in this case it was quite cold, an odd day for California, meaning that neither of their faces were revealed to each other.

Thirdly, we have Michael Clifford, a lanky boy with red hair and a look that both kills and melts, who wakes to his younger brother throwing a fit - 20 minutes before Michael has to wake up. Great. He tries to fall into a peaceful slumber, full of dreams in which Ariana Grande confesses her compelling love to Mike and they end up in bed together, but cannot do so. Instead, he decides to get changed.

Unlike both Bishop Creek and Bishop Union High Schools - Trey Arts had some form of dress code which included a compulsary white polo shirt with the coat of arms for the school on the left side of the chest. However, clothing on the bottom half was up to the pupils. So, Mike pulls his last clean shirt on top of his messy red locks and black skinny jeans on the bottom with converse.

He brushes his teeth, combs his fingers through his hair and grabs a black hoodie and bag before leaving his basement room to the ground floor. He is met by his frustrated father trying to control his little brother and little sister who are in the middle of a heated breakfast food fight. Michael makes his way through cheerios being tossed around and grabs a bowl and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, eating it in their conservatory whilst scrolling through his Twitter on his phone.

After getting relatively bored and finishing his cereal, leaving the milk of course - Michael hates milk, he goes back into the kitchen where the food is on both the table and ground - not in the air and his mom sat down with a cup of coffee and newspaper.

He greets his mom a quick good morning and goodbye before also leaving the house and getting into his black Range Rover and also making his way off to school.

See, the three each had money and that was pretty much all they had in common, so they thought. In fact, neither of each other's names had crossed their minds in four years. Crazy how even in a small town, like Bishop, you can go from friends to strangers in 3.5.



first of all, can i just say whO IS IN LOVE WITH THE NEW COVER OMG @beastieboys- made it and it slays omfg go follow her she's so lovely!!!

omg i am so essited for this (miranda voice) i finished the chapter outlines i wanna tell you what happens!!! aagghhh

i hope you guys liked it! i am so bad at updating so sorry, i wanted to make it longer to fit it all in and kinda didn't edit sooooo

ok but did u like it tho i hope you did

idk why but the writing is all weird like the language and style and idk why but i'll change is when the plot happes so sorry you'll have to deal atm

i just finished watching Legally Blonde FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I KNOW I'M SORRY and i'm gonna go watch the second one now I LOVED IT

okay I ditched school n I'mdoing this ok bye


I fucking love u

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