-The Banther Lodge-

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"I agree, but first we need to stop by the Banther Lodge," Callum added, 

"No way, no human places" Rayla cut him off, "If any other humans find me or that egg and we're done for." Rayla huffed,

"Rayla, we need food, supplies, we can get those at the Lodge," Callum said,

"Plus, it's the winter lodge, it will be totally empty if we go there now," Ezran piped up,

"Ugh, I do not like this idea," Rayla sighed,

"Good thing you aren't in charge then," I said, going to put Ezran on my back but crying out from the pain in my arm.

"What's wrong?" Ezran asked, worry clouding his face slowly trying to get up. I reached over to help him and he blushed slightly as I grabbed his arm to pull him up.

"Nope, no human places, humans take one look ate,

"It's nothing, just a little bite," I said, pulling my sleeve down to cover the marks. Ezran looked like he didn't believe me, but he was so tired he allowed me to pick him up and continue on anyway. We had a lot of things to worry about, I didn't need to add my little wound to the list, even though it hurt more and more with every passing minute. We forged on, slowly trudging along the path in the dark, flinching at every owl hoot or snapped branch. By the time the Banther Lodge was in sight, even Rayla was beginning to look weary, and the sun was already beginning to slip over the horizon.

As I kept an eye on Rayla, I noticed she kept glancing at her wrists, chewing her lip, I could tell she was hiding something, but I would have to ask her about it later. For now, all I could think of was getting food and rest.

"Okay here's the deal, I'm the fastest and the least tired, so I'll slip in and grab what we need, while you stay out here and keep watch in case any more humans show up.

"Nope," I said, setting Ezran down,

"S'cuse me?" she asked, hands on her hips,

"If you think I trust you enough to let you out of my sight for a second you are sorely mistaken, I'm going in with you."

"Seriously, after everything that just happened you still don't trust me?"

"Everything that just happened" Callum interjected, "Like you trying to kill us just a few hours ago?" Rayla growled and rolled her eyes,

"Fine! But the princes should still stay out here and keep watch." she huffed,

"Fine," Callum said, "But can you grab this while you're in there?" he asked me, pulling out his sketchbook and showing me this drawing of some sort of dice with strange symbols all around the sides instead of numbers.

"Uh, sure," I said, "Uhm, what is it?" I asked, examining the drawing more closely.

"I'm not sure, but I know it's connected to magic, and I think it will be helpful in Xadia," he said,

"Whatever you say," I nodded, turning toward the lodge, "Let's get going." Rayla and I headed towards the lodge, which I unlocked. We walked around grabbing various food items along with some bandages and other first-aid materials. There was no sign of Callum's weird dice thing though.

"I can go search upstairs for anything else we need while you look down here, it'll go faster that way," Rayla said, passing me a compass she found on a table. I glared at her, "I'll literally be a few steps away, what harm can it do?" she said, agitated. I sighed,

"Fine, just grab what we need and then we'll get out of here." shortly after she made it up the steps, I heard noises outside, I went to look out a window to check on the princes only to see the entire army just outside the door. They were about to walk in, as Callum was talking to them when I heard him suddenly shout,

"Human troops!" a little louder than the rest of his sentence, hopefully, Rayla could hear that and get hidden, otherwise our journey would end before it even began. Just then, the door swung open with a bang to reveal the prince's aunt,

"General Amaya!" I shouted and signed.

"Y/n," she signed back, as Commander Gren and the princes walked in behind her, "I just found out that you let the princes go this long without breakfast," she smirked, I laughed,

"Might as well fire me now," I signed, pulling some bread and jelly tarts out from my backpack to toss to the boys, and eat myself. We sat down at the table to talk and eat for a short while before we realized we really should get going. Then, as I glanced out the window I caught sight of Rayla walking past, cube in hand. Sadly, Amaya saw her to and jumped from her seat to chase down the elf.

"Wait!" I shouted, jumping up and running after her, but I was too late, Amaya had already caught Rayla off guard and was wrestling her to the ground,

"Aunt Amaya wait! You don't understand!" Ezran signed at her, but Amaya didn't listen, grabbing Rayla's wrists as she struggled and tying her up to a nearby tree. Amaya glared at Rayla,

"How many of you are there," Gren translated,

"I'm the only one," Rayla said, glancing back and forth between Amaya, Callum, Ezran, and I.

"I doubt that, if you're here to kill the princes there must be more," Gren continued to translate, "Search the area," Amaya gestured around the lodge and her soldiers spread out across the lodge grounds.

"Aunt Amaya please," Callum pleaded, "I know it sounds crazy but you've got to let her go, to let us go," Amaya shook her head,

"I don't know what she said to you, but every word that comes out of an elves' mouth is a lie, she can take those lies and shove them up her, oh dear, do I have to translate that?" Gren said, blushing.

"Okay, you guys we should stop arguing, Amaya obviously knows what's best, the elf is probably lying anyway," I said, leaning up against the tree and Rayla glared up at me, looking betrayed.

"Y/n!" Callum shouted, I winked at him and Ezran, and then they finally seemed to understand. I slowly pulled out one of my swords, edging it closer and closer to Rayla's bindings as Ezran lifted up Bait in front of him,

"Aunt Amaya, I almost forgot to have you say hi to Bait!" he said, "Say hello to my little friend," he smiled, ducking his head to hide from the flash. Just as Bait flashed I slashed through the bindings that held Rayla to the tree, grabbing her wrist and pulling her up,

"Come on, let's go!" I shouted as we all turned and ran towards the river. Some of Amaya's soldiers, however, caught on to what was happening and began to chase after us, and by the time we reached the river, it was clear there was no way for us to run our way out of this one.

"Surrender the boys, now," Gren translated, with as much intensity as he could muster. I turned to Rayla and nodded, hoping she could pick up on what I meant, when she lifted her sword to Ezran's neck and I lifted mine to Callum's, clutching him close to me.

"One more step and they both die!" Rayla screamed,

"Don't do it, Aunt Amaya, just let us go, she's a bloodthirsty elf monster and will kill us if you don't!" he shouted, acting as terrified as he could. Amaya glances around, trying to find a way out, but eventually gestured to her soldiers to lower their weapons.

"Go," she said, "But know this, I will find you."


This one is a long boi because I couldn't really think of a place to split it, also a bit of an action heavy one and that's something I struggle with writing so sorry if it's the worst! Bye!

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