-The Difficult Path-

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"Shh, no one likes a loud mage," Rayla joked, glancing down at her wrist and yanking on her bracelet.

"What is that anyway," I asked, "Every time I look at you you're yanking on it."

"Uhm," she blushed, avoiding eye contact, "It's just a bracelet, I guess you could call it a gift from Runaan,"

"Runaan, he's the elf that tried to kill you the other day on the roof the other day?" I asked,

"Yeah, him," she said, her face falling, "He was just doing what he thought was right, he just gets so focused on what he needs to do, that sometimes he loses track of what's actually happening around him." we all went silent at that. I reached up and clung to my necklace, fiddling with it and examining it like I always do when I'm nervous or uncomfortable. I ran my finger across the intricate details of the tree and half-moon behind it. How someone could have carved such a detailed artwork into metal like that. I was snapped out of it by a tap on my shoulder,

"Do we have any food?' Ezran asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting down on my lap,

"Shit!" I shouted, "All of the food was in my backpack, and clothes and everything!" I said, pressing my hand against my temples and trying not to panic. Callum reached for something behind him and then suddenly plunked my backpack down in front of me, a little soggy, but otherwise perfectly fine.

"How did you get it?" I asked, opening it up and finding the food perfectly dry, wrapped in the clothes and other items,

"It must've fallen out of the boat when we got hit, I found it near the shore and was able to pick it up and bring it in with me," he said, blushing slightly,

"Well, thank god for that," I said, grabbing some bread, tearing it up, and passing it around. We ate in silence for a minute, just enjoying the fire and the rest, until Rayle piped up,

"We should get going, I have no doubt that there is someone tracking us right now, the princes have been taken hostage by an elf savage, surprised they haven't found us already," she said,

"She's right, we should go," I said, standing up and swinging my backpack over my shoulder. We all got up and began packing up our things, Callum blew out the fire with his wind breath spell, nearly smacking Bait with a hot coal. In just a few moments we got everything together and were back on the road. We walked a few miles before Rayla suddenly stopped,

"Hide!" she shouted as we all dove for the trees to the side of the path, hiding behind them. Just as we got behind the trees a small group of Katollis soldiers rode past on horseback, we all held our breath until they were long out of earshot. We all sighed loudly, stepping out of the woods and back on to the path,

"That was way to close," I said,

"Agreed, we need to take a harder path, stay out of heavily traveled areas," Rayla said, stepping onto a rocky outcropping to the side of the path, "This way should do nicely," she smiled,

"Hah, no way, I'm already exhausted from the regular path!" Callum groaned, gesturing to the path behind him,

"Look, I don't like it either, but she is right, it's the best way to avoid detection," I said, Cal and Ez groaned, reluctantly following us up the path. As we climbed the side of the mountain the temperature slowly dropped.

"It's cold up here," Ezran stated,

"Here," I said, reaching into my backpack and grabbing a spare shirt, "Wrap this around yourself and you should feel better," I handed it to him and he wrapped himself tightly, continuing on. Finally, after hiking up for ages, we reached the top, where it began to flatten out.

"Thank god," Callum groaned, dusting the snow off and sitting down on a nearby rock.

"We can rest, but only for a minute," Rayla said, pulling a blanket out of her bag and wrapping it around herself, so apparently even Moonshadow assassins aren't immune to cold. Ezran pulled the egg out of his backpack and pulled the extra shirt away from his shoulders, wrapping it around the egg, I glanced at him quizzically,

"What?" he asked, "He's cold,"

"Whatever you say Ez," I chuckled, pulling him onto my lap for warmth for both of us. Looking around at the surrounding area I noticed that we were right near a frozen lake, across from which the woods sprawled out again and I could make out a path similar to the one we had just left.

"That path leads to a nearby town, we're gonna have to stop there for supplies," I said,

"Town?" Rayla said, "No no no, no towns, towns have humans, how exactly will you explain me to said humans,"

"You can just hide, it's the only way that we'll be able to get enough provisions to keep going," I replied, "Plus, there's a massive lake on the other side, it would take us nearly a week to go around, and we don't have that kind of time, we'll have to take a boat across."

"Ugh," she complained, "Fine, but if I get caught or anything goes wrong I blame you and you entirely." I chuckled and nodded,

"I can accept that, let's get going," I said, pulling Ez off my lap and setting him on the ground.

"You think the ice is thick enough for us to cross?" Callum asked, eyebrows knit together,

"Looks fine to me," I said, waltzing right on towards the lake. We were nearly halfway across the lake when I heard it, the faintest creak from underneath us,

"Uhm, y/n," Ezran said, fear in his voice, I turned towards him only to see a fine crack spreading across the ice underneath him.

"Shit," I whispered under my breath,


Uhm, yikes Ez. I don't have anything to say about this chapter, so bye for now!

Also, gotta mention the cover contest! I'm holding a contest to get a new cover for this story, you can email entries to my email moe.girl.ak(at)gmail.com until midnight December 31st! The winner will get a customized one-shot between them and any character from any book/movie/tv show that I know!

The Moon in Eclipse {{A TDP Callum x Reader Fanfic}}Where stories live. Discover now