Curious girl

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⚠︎︎ Gold is not dead in this story⚠︎︎

Present day

The morning after, Hope woke up at 10am.

She had slept like a baby.

Her blonde locks were messy, her cheeks rosy.

Although she was still sleepy, she managed to get downstairs.

<< Morning sweetie!>> said Mary, smiling at her granddaughter.

<< Morning grandma...>> the girl replied, collapsing on the couch moments later.

As soon as her head hit the pillows, Emma walked in.

<< Hey cutie>>

<< Hi mom...>> said Hope. Her voice was nothing more than a whisper.

<< Breakfast?>> Emma asked her.

<< Aye>> the girl answered.

Emma let out a soft chuckled.

Hope raised an eyebrow in confusion.

<< What?>> asked she, kind of irritated.

<< You look like Killian. The language, the eyebrow thing... just like him.>> Emma explained with a slight smile.

The girl's lips curled into a small smile.

She was well aware of how similar to her dad she was.

<< Shall I make some hot cocoa?>> asked Mary, changing the subject all of sudden.

<< Sure mom>> Emma told her.

<< Hope with cinnamon, Emma without, right?>>

<< Yep.>> said Hope, knowing that her mother couldn't stand cinnamon.

- -

The blondie was walking down the street, glancing around.

Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she obviously was wearing her jeans jacket.

Hanging around her neck, there was Killian's necklace, or at least that's what it used to be.

The chain held a ring, which once belonged to her uncle, Liam Jones.

He had given it to Killian, and Killian to Emma, apparently during a trip in some kind of exotic place.

Their family was now torn apart, and Emma had decided to give the ring to her daughter, so she could hopefully feel closer to her father.

Hope could feel how tears had started to burn in her eyes.

She blinked fast, pushing aside all those thoughts.

All of sudden, she saw something she hadn't noticed before.

"Mr. Gold Pawnbroker & Antiquities Dealer"

Somehow, the small shop seemed to fascinate her.

She took a few steps forward, and within a few seconds, she reached the entrance.

The bell ringed as she hesitantly opened the door.

<< Hello?>> said she, her voice was low and doubtful.

A skinny man, with short gray hair, walked out of what appeared to be the back of the small shop.

<< Hello dearie.>> said he, lips curled into a small smile.

<< Good morning... Mr Gold, right?>> she questioned.

He nodded in response.

<< That's my name, yes. And you are...>>

<< Hope. Hope Swan>> said she.

<< Hope. What a lovely name.>> Gold replied.

<< Thanks.>>

<< So...can I help you someway?>>

<< I just...wanted to take a look>>

<< Of course. Tell me if there's anything you like>> said he. Hope watched quietly as his smile grew bigger, turning into some sort of wicked grin.

As he stepped away, the girl started glancing around.

One thing managed to capture Hope's attention.

A perfect replica of the Jolly Roger was captured in a small bottle.

She took a few steps forward, her fingers touching the glass.

~Killian's lips were curled in a huge smile, as his daughter moved her first steps towards him, unsteadily.

<< Aye, starfish! There you go!>> said he, his voice was loving and encouraging.

The blondie managed to reach her father, collapsing in his arms moments later.

<< Good job starfish! Daddy's so proud of you, honey>> said he, placing a soft kiss on her rosy cheek.~

<< Everything okay, miss Swan?>> asked Gold, noticing how Hope's eyes had widened.

His voice dragged Hope out of her thoughts, her gaze met his.

<< Yes... I'm fine.>>

Although the girl's response had barely convinced him, all he did was nod, before going back to minding his own business.

<< ... Did this bottle belong to anyone in particular?>> Hope questioned, all of sudden.

Gold's lips, once again, curled into a twisted grin, as if he was waiting for her to ask that one question.

He turned around, so he could face her, then took a few steps forward.

He held the bottle in his hands.

<< Miss Swan, everything in this shop has once belonged to someone. A tale lives within each one of this items. This one in particular, belonged to detective Rogers. Despite everyone's opinion, he was a man of honor, with a moral code. He had decided to leave, and look for a fresh start. He gave me this right before leaving. What happened to him after he crossed the town line, well, no one knows>> said he.

Hope glanced at the bottle one last time.

<< Thanks, Mr Gold>>

<< Anytime, miss Swan>>

Hey everyone! I hope you liked this! What do you think will happen?
Love you,

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