I'm telling the truth!

69 3 8

<< Hope? What's wrong?>> asked Alice, noticing the weird look on her half sister's face.

<< My...my parents are in this book!>> Alice looked at her, a confused look.

<<What are you talking about?>> Hope didn't answer, just handed her the storybook.

Alice's jaw dropped.

<< That...that is dad, and...and your mom>> she noticed, still shocked.

<<Aye. We need to tell them!>> without even waiting for an answer, Hope rushed downstairs, and Alice followed.

Ashley and Alexandra's apartment,
15 minutes before.

Alexandra was sitting on her bed, a ruined picture in her hands.

She thought that being awake could be a good thing, but as time went by, she noticed it wasn't good at all.

All that memories chasing each other in her head, nonstop, reminding her of what once was but was never going to be again.

Her and Roland, her best friend, chasing each other in the backyard.

Her and Hope, spending every single day together.

And now, they didn't even remember who she was.

Right now, Emma and Killian were far away, their love, their only hope to break this curse, had been cancelled by the curse itself.

Right now, no one remembered about Henry, or Regina, who also lived far away from there, having no memory of their family.

And right now, Alexandra was the only one who still remembered.

She had promised she was going to make someone remember again.

She had promised she was going to help and break the curse.

But how could she?

She needed a hero.

But she didn't have one.

<< Alex?>> her mom called.

Alexandra hid the picture and walked towards the door, opening it, her mother waiting there.

<< Hey mom>>

<< Hey. Could you please go and ask Mary  for some flour? I need to make a cake for the festival, I need flour but I don't have any.>>

<< Sure mom, I'll go>> she said with a little smile.

She barely remembered all the balls and festivals they used to do in Storybrooke, back then when everything was normal.

She wore her shoes and brushed her hair, then went outside.

Mary Margaret's house was nearby.

Just a minute later she knocked on the door.

Her jaw dropped.

<< Alexandra! Oh God, look at you! You grew up!>> Emma was right there.

She couldn't believe it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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