Chapter 1 - Chemistry

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Maggie's P.O.V

I climbed up the 3 flights of stairs with Zarin my friend of 2 years. We began talking about the kid she likes and how he bumped into her, this morning. Of course she makes a big deal about it. I half listened and watched as dozens of kids passed through the doors, making me wait to go in.

" did you hear me ! he flippin bumped into me and apologized! isn't he so sweet?" She gushed putting a hand over her heart. I rolled my eyes and starred at her, she really was on Cloud Nine.

" well what was he supposed to do? push you  even more? " I retorted walking slowly down the hallway. We pushed past some freshman who were dealing drugs and pretending to be doing something else. Some kids were pathetic.

" you just don't understand! " She sighed and kept walking examining her purple nails with small flowers drawn on them. I laughed and stood in front of my class waiting for the late bell to ring. Mrs. Gonzalez gave me the look and ushered me into the class. I mouthed " I'm sorry " to Zarin and grudgingly went inside.

I walked back and up the step to my seat. Jessica was already sitting there, and smiled showing off her pearly white teeth. Jessica was a bitch , but we got along. We didn't hate each other nor were we the best of friends. But at least she wasn't fighting me about anything.

" alright class get your homework out, was it number six or eleven?" Mrs. Gonzalez adjusted her glasses and looked through a huge pile of papers. She was one of the most unorganized teachers in this whole school.

" she is such a horse" Jessica whispered rolling her eyes as the Smart Board didn't work properly. I giggled and pretended to copy down the notes.

" hey Maggie!" Austin whisper shouted. I smiled and waved at him, he was cute and really nice. We became friends since he usually helped me with everything. He grinned and turned around to talk to some other kid.

" i love you outfit, so fall sheek" Jessica said , giving me a wide smile. I looked down at my flower printed blouse with a brown cardigan over it and some dark jeans paired with brown moccasins. It was a rather normal outfit nothing too fancy. Although the leaf necklace completed everything. 

" thanks" I whispered back. Soon Mrs. Gonzalez started teaching about Vapor Pressure and all that boring stuff. Half the class wasn't paying attention as always. And the other half was either doing something for another class or drawing on the handout.

" Maggie what's the curved line?"

" ermm, vapor pressure?" I answered un sure. Of course she had to pick on me, I really think she disliked me.

" yes that's right, very nice, " She nodded her head at me and looked around the room before starring straight at Gabe. The kid who sat next to Austin in front of me. He was the class hottie, which is why most girls usually stare at him. He had short black hair that was gelled to perfection and soft green eyes. He was hot I had to give him that but also he was a douche. As Jesssica says , a guy with an earring automatically makes him a douche. I agreed, he was arrogant but also nice. It was like 2 people in one body.

" Gabe whats the answer to number 5?" She asked anticipating a wrong response so he would get in trouble.

" Liquid C" He answered confidently, she sighed and nodded her head making him smile.

" very good, now while I get this to work you do the other problems"

" miss! I gots a question!" A kid shouted from the back. Mrs. Gonzalez turned around smiling and pointed at him.

" well I just wanted to know if lets say a german shepard had sex with a weiner dog , than how the hell is that weiner dog gonna push that huge pup out?" The whole class starred at him before cracking up. Everyday he aked the stupidest questions that had nothing to do with the class.

" that was innapropriate see me after class"

I giggled and turned back around , doing my work. This was one of the classes I needed to pass or I would hear it from my parents. They weren't that strict but I always wanted to make them happy. Brain Pop turned on and everybody looked to the front loving these little movies even though they were for 10 year olds. After the robot died, or got hit in the face with an atom or something, we took the quiz.

" Maggie question 4 please!"

I sighed and stood up going to the board and reading the question. Everybody was shouting different answers at me.

" pick B!" I heard Jessica shout so I picked B and it was wrong. I turned around and shook my head.

"ya see what happens!" I said making Mrs. Gonzalez frustrated . I finally picked the right answer since it was the only one left.

" please study more Maggie"

" I will Miss" I gave her a smile and walked back.

" loving your booty girlfriend!" Nate shouted winking at me. I smacked his shoulder and sat down. Nate was the perv of the classroom commenting on everything that girls did or wore.

" shut it Nathan!" I replied back making him turn around but not before sticking his tongue out at me. He was so immature.

" alright get in your groups, " I groaned and waited for my group to come. It consisted of Nate, Jessica, Gabe, Austin and me.

" alright let's get this going, maggie you do all the work and I'll just stare at your boobs" Nate leaned back and starred at my chest. I felt really uncomfortable. Since the flower blouse was lower but not in a slutty way.

" here" Gabe handed over his Abercrombie & Fitch sweat shirt. I thanked him and slipped it on feeling the warmth of it and his cologne. It was sweet but in a manly way if that made any sense.

" come on dude! don't you wanna see the assets!" Nate rolled his eyes and leaned forwards for once looking away at my chest.

" she does have nice assets but I don't feel like having some creep starring at her" He said making Jessica look up at him. She raised an eyebrow before looking back down at her sheet.

After quietly working the bell finally rang and I stood up, giving back the sweat shirt.

" thanks"

" no problem" He gave me a small smile before leaving the class. I gathered my books and walked out to find Zarin starring at me with a dreamy look.

" what now? did he apologize for sitting next to you?"

" so judgemental! why don't you like him! i mean come on he's like the same as Gabe and you talk to Gabe" She remarked smirking at me.

" because we have to and did I ever say I liked Gabe, no I haven't, they're all just players," I opened the door into the stair case and began walking towards my next class.

A/N: First chapter!!! :) hope you like it!

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