Chapter 5 ~ Halloween

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Maggie's P.O.V

It was Wednesday, October 31st which meant Halloween. My mom forced me to take my little sister trick or treating which I thought was bad. My sister had a goal this year, 6 pounds of candy. And that would take forever since most of my neighborhood was filled with old people who gave out pennies. They were asking to get egged by teens.

" Maggie! come on!" My sister shouted from the living room. I got up and grabbed my phone and headphones knowing this would be a long afternoon.

" remember stay safe!" My mom yelled as I walked out of the door. Kids were running around with bags full of candy. Parents were talking amongst eachother and having a good time.

" come on we are meeting Kiara at her house" My sister dragged me down the street but we stopped at every house for candy and quarters of course. It took us 20 minutes to get to her friends house. I stopped in front of the large house well more like mansion and waited for Kiara.

" hold on my brother is coming with us too" Kiara stated , looking at me. I just nodded pretending to give a crap about her brother.

" Kiara, you forgot your pink stick" A familiar voice shouted. I looked up and saw Gabe walking down his driveway, halfway putting his jacket on. And of course he was prince charming it was obvious with the clothes. He had a crown on, a white jacket with gold trimming. His hair was gelled up, into a spiky style.

" it's a wand you dumb butt!" Kiara shouted smacking him with the pink glittery wand. He rolled his eyes and smirked at me.

" well Sleeping Beauty , I guess you found your prince" He smiled looking at my costume. Of course I decided to be my favorite Disney princess this year. Sleeping Beauty, it was a cute costume. Although I didn't have bleach blond hair, I still had dirty blond which counted for something.

" who says your my Prince Charming, theres many princesses walking around" I stated following the girls as they gathered their treats. He smirked and took out a reddish cape that he attached to the jacket.

" if you forgot, Sleeping Beauty's prince charming had a red cape on his jacket" He retorted winking at me. I rolled my eyes and adjusted my sparkly heels. Even in 5 inch heels , Gabe was a bit taller than me.

" come on you lovers lets go over" My sister shouted , making me glare at her. The two kids put their hands on their hips and starred at us.

" listen we are 10 and we know that princes and princesses kiss so why aren't you kissing? " I gasped at what Kiara said and turned to Gabe. 

" beacause Kiara, this princess doesn't like me, but don't worry she'll be kissing me by the end of the night" He winked at his sister as she happily smiled.

" good, because your cute together" My sister Natalia stated , giving us a small smile. The girls ran off to another house leaving me with Gabe.

" that will not happen, don't even try it" I whispered angrily as a group of kids passed us by.

" princess, your gonna be wanting me by the end of the night"

" in your dreams" I huffed, adjusting my crown and walking down the sidewalk.

" more like in yours, since you fall asleep " He shouted , I turned around and gave him the middle finger. 

" that's not how a princess acts"

" well too fucking bad" I said waiting at the end of the street for the two girls. They skipped over and showed me their bags full of candy. I smiled knowing that half of my sisters will be mine tonight. That was our deal.

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