Chapter 2 - School Closets

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* Outfits in external link!*

Maggie's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning feeling tired and really annoyed. My sister woke me up singing Don't Wake Me Up, making my morning start of badly.

" come on Maggie!" She shouted running out of my room. I groaned and sat up looking around my purple room. My sister deserved a smack in the face with a chair. It was only 6:30 in the morning and I didn't get up until 7. I stood up and stretched out my body , opening the windows and letting the sun come through. It was surprisingly really warm today, for a Fall day in New York.

I put on some tights and shorts over it, giving my outfit a hipsterish feel. I put on a pink sweater and paired it with black moccasins. My hair was naturally wavy so I just put up in a high pony tail.

After dressing I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was preparing a bagel for my sister. I grabbed my own bagel and smeared it with cream cheese, my mom looked at my outfit but didn't say anything. I walked back upstairs and went on Tumblr, reblogging things and eating the bagel.

At around 8, I started walking towards school with only 10 minutes to spare. Halfway there I met up with Zarin and Michelle. They both smiled at me and we began walking to the entrance. Of course the doors were closed because my school can't have a lot of students in the cafeteria but whatever.  Finally at 8:05 they opened the doors and let us in , as we went straight to 2nd period. 

" alright so did you see Mr. No Name? , so hot!" Zarin gushed clutching her books. I stopped in front of my math class and gave her a look. Michelle giggled shaking her head at Zarin. I was about to say something when someone bumped into me, I turned around and glared at the kid. He smirked and grabbed my arms.

" you okay ?"

"yeah fine"

" sorry bout that" The boy winked at me and walked down the hallway with his friends. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the girls who were in a heated conversation about the kid.

" Maggie! he was so cute"

" yeah whatever, so who's going to the mall today?" I asked giving them hopeful looks. Michelle nodded making me smile.

" yay! Zarin you coming?"

" sure why not" She shrugged and grabbed my hand as we walked through the hallways. Our teachers always came a few minutes after the bells so we wondered around a lot. Michelle walked with us but stopped when she saw some kid.

We stopped when there was a group of freshman boys standing blocking the small hallway.

" exscuse me" I said but they didn't move at all. Zarin looked at me as I tried not to punch any of them in the face.

" move out of the flipping way!" I shouted causing them to seperate immediately, they all starred at me as I walked past them.

"your so mean"

" no! they just wouldn't move and I tried being nice" I replied waving my hand dismissively at Zarin. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Zarin didn't like being mean, neither did I but if being bitchy solved the problem than you gotta do it.

" okay so maybe that was rude but -" I bumped into somebody causing me to moan in pain. That really hurt, I looked up and saw Mr. No Name standing there. He looked over at me and immediately gave me an apologetic look.

" sorry , I didn't mean to" He said. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

" it's fine, it was my fault for not looking and bumping into your really hard chest" I rubbed my forehead and started walking away from him.

" oh my god! what was that? that was amazing! " Zarin shouted slapping my arm. I sighed and rounded the corner ignoring her screaming. Some teachers starred at us as I tried quieting her down.

" how the hell was that amazing? my head hurts, and don't get started on him, he apologized because it was partially his fault" I concluded walking away from her.

" see you later!' I shouted walking into my Geometry class, my teacher smiled at me and handed over my last exam grade. A 99 wasn't bad, a point away from a 100.

" alright class today were gonna do locus" She said , I stopped listening to her and starred out the window watching as some guys were playing soccer. It seemed boring with them kicking it for the next 40 minutes.


After Geometry and Global, came Chemistry. That class was going to be the death of me. Today atleast we had a lab and apparently we were playing with the bunsen burners. That didn't please me at all, me and fire didn't mix.

" anyways in Global, Gabe was talking about you with Mr. No Name" Zarin said winking at me. I laughed and gave her a smile. It didn't bother me that they would talk about the girl who bumped into the kid.

" okay and?"

" Gabe mentioned your name and Mr. No Name , gave him a smile and patted his back like he did something, so weird" She said starring off into space. I shrugged and gave her a quick hug before going into the lab room. Everybody was already sitting down in their seats while Mrs. Pattey gave out the sheets.

" hey Maggie" Austin waved at me and gave me a quick hug. I returned it and sat down across from him. Nate sat down beside me and started working on the sheet. Gabe walked in last taking his seat beside Austin.

" alright class turn your bunsen burners on and get flamin" She started laughing , making everybody awkwardly laugh with her. Austin turned the gas valve on and the flame started , scaring me. 

After we were done with the first half of the experiment Mrs. Gonzalez  walked by and looked at our work. I smiled and gave her thumbs up.

" Maggie did you do something yet?"


" well than Gabe show her how to light the Magnesium strip, just don't stare into the blinding light it could blind you" I gasped at her and frowned not wanting to do this experiment. She pointed to the other side and I walked over taking the tongs and putting the magnesium in it.

" I can't do this, " I whispered holding the tongs beside the fire but not touching it. Gabe chuckled and took my hand pushing it. Soon a huge blinding light started making me jump and drop the magnesium which was still lit up on the table.

" oh my god, " I clutched my chest feeling my heart race. Gabe started laughing with the other guys as I went back to my seat. For the rest of the period I didn't touch anything else. And our table was forever going to be ruined with white stuff all over it. Mrs. Gonzalez said it was fine and atleast I didn't burn my hand.

I was the last one to walk out of the class and next period I had a sub so I didn't worry about being late today. The moment I walked out someone grabbed my hand pulling me down the hallways. I saw Gabe and instantly turned angry.

" where the hell are you taking me?" I asked trying to stop him. But he was more stronger. We stopped infront of an all yellow door and he opened it pulling me inside. I looked around but saw darkness everywhere.

" where the hell are we?" I asked as he took my books and dropped them on the ground. I was about to say something but left it. Since I wasn't getting any answers anyways. I felt him moving around before he was right beside me. His lips beside my ear, sending shivers down my spine as his hands found my waist.

" I want you" He whispered , I let go of the breath I was holding and turned my head to my side as his lips found my sweet spot. I moaned lightly making him smirk against my skin. He pulled back for a second before crushing his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. Finally we pulled away leaving me breathless and confused. He gave me back my books and looked at me one more time before leaving.

" what the fuck was that" I whispered to myself, as I walked out going down the steps thinking about what just happened. 

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