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Baekyhun awoke to a text from an unknown number that lit up his phone screen brightly. He squinted at the blinding rectangle and sat up to read the message.

Hey it's Eunji. I'm leaving Chanyeol in charge of the shop today so I can go with you to visit your baker friend. I hope you're available today. Just text me with where and when you wanna meet.

Baekhyun wondered how she got his number, but figured she had asked Chanyeol for it. He quickly sent back a response that he would pick her up from her apartment in about half an hour and they could walk. It made Baekhyun strangely happy to wake up to a text from Eunji.

"Stop that," Baekhyun repremanded himself. Eunji was dating someone, and he wouldn't want to ruin that or put her in an awkward position. He was going to be her friend, and if anything more happened from there, he was going to wait for Eunji to make the move.

That didn't stop him, however, from wanting to look nice for their meetup. He showered quickly and put on the best outfit he could muster before heading out to the address Eunji had sent him. Baekhyun shot a text to his friend telling him they would drop by soon, and let his mind wander as he walked.

Eunji's place was a little ways away, but nothing too bad. He really liked Eunji's spirit. He would honestly be overjoyed just to be her friend. She seemed like the kind of person who was careful in who she loved, but she loved with all her heart. Chanyeol sure was lucky to have her. Although, Baekhyun was a little curious as to why Chanyeol had never mentioned her when they were in college. If they had known each other since high school, she would have definitely come up in conversation. Perhaps Chanyeol was worried Baekhyun would like her. If that were the case, then maybe Baekhyun should talk to him. He didn't want his friend thinking he was trying to steal his girlfriend.

Baekhyun decided that he would talk to Chanyeol later as he entered Eunji's apartment building. The lobby was huge and ornate, nothing like what he imagined Eunji would live in. Just as he was about to text her again, the elevator chimed and out stepped Eunji.

"Yo!" She beamed when she saw Baekhyun.

"You ready to go?" Baekhyun asked, taken aback by her non work clothes. She looked so elegant like this.

"Sure thing," Eunji said with a nod.

"That sure is a fancy building," Baekhyun said as the two began their journey.

"That's what my boyfriend said when he first came over," Eunji laughed, "my parents got me the place."

"I see." Baekhyun nodded, noting a sort of relief in Eunji that he couldn't place.

The two chatted their whole walk there. They had a lot in common such as their love for food, meeting new people, and piano. Eunji even admitted that she loved to sing, but she only ever sang in her shower and never in front of people. It was too embarassing, she said. Baekhyun told her that he liked to sing too, but always liked to sing in front of people.

"We should go for karaoke!" Baekhyun exclaimed, perhaps a little too excited.

"What?" Eunji scrunched up her nose in distaste.

"You know, we could get some friends together and go out for karaoke," Baekhyun insisted, "I want to hear you sing."

"Oh, c'mon, it's not that incredible that we have to plan an outing around it," Eunji laughed with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"But it'll still be fun!" Baekhyun pressed.

"I get the feeling you aren't going to let up on this," Eunji laughed lightly, "so I'll say yes, but I'll have to ask people when they're available and then I'll give you a time and a place."

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