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"Like, I don't get why he even cares at this point!" Eunji vented to her current audience consisting of Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sunmi, and Suho.

Sehun had just left to pick up lunch for the two of them and Eunji was using the oppportunity to talk to her friends about the Kai situation. Eunji had texted Sunmi about it earlier, so she had insisted that she come down to the shop immediately and talk to Eunji about it. And, of course, this meant that Suho was brought along to share his two cents. Everyone was gathered by the counter which was the easiest place for Eunji to talk and still make sure that any customers that came in were helped.

"Maybe he likes you." Suho pursed his lips in thought, squinting at Eunji.

"After what I just told you, you think he likes me?" Eunji asked in bewilderment.

"Well, okay, we can all agree that his reason for hating you is complete bullshit," Suho began his defense, looking around their motley crew as if he were a lawyer adressing the jury, "there's just no way he hates you as much as he does for supposedly stealing his friend away."

"Not to mention he's been out of Sehun's life for a few years, why would he suddenly care?" Sunmi added.

"So my theory is that he met you and instantly had a thing for you." Suho pointed at Eunji. "The only way to get you to leave Sehun would be for him to cheat on you, making you think he's reverted to his old ways. So Kai tries to get Sehun to cheat so that he can have you for himself. But! He's a playboy himself, so he wants to hide his feelings for you by acting like he hates you."

"That sounds like the plot of a daytime drama," Eunji laughed at Suho's confidence in his theory. His logic made sense, but the idea itself was preposterous.

"Well, I'd like to hear any of you come up with a better theory," Suho said, raising a challenging eyebrow, "Chanyeol?"

At this point, everyone turned to the tall man who was staring at the counter with a strange fierceness. He looked deep in thought, his mind trying to process something that the others didn't know. Chanyeol mouthed a few things to himself, his brow furrowing, but no one knew what he was thinking.

"Oi! Chanyeol you extra long baguette!" Sunmi balled up her napkin and threw it at her boyfriend.

"Extra long baguette?" He finally looked up at her with amusement in his eyes.

"You're too tall," Sunmi explained, "now, why do you think Kai hates Eunji?"

"I actually...that's what I was just figuring out and I think I got it." Chanyeol nodded firmly.

"Well, let's hear it," Baekhyun urged.

"Kai is gay." Everyone was shocked silent by Chanyeol's assertion.

"Why do you say that?" Eunji asked after regaining her wits.

"Okay, I'm assuming a lot of things about his personal life here, but it fits in with what little I do know about him," Chanyeol began. "So let's say that some time in junior high or high school, Kai realizes that he's gay. Maybe he tells his parents and they react negatively or he doesn't tell his parents because he knows that they'll react as so. And so he goes through high school thinking that what he is is wrong and he tries to change himself."

"Change himself?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

"Luhan told Eunji about how Kai acted in high school. Maybe Kai thought that if he slept with all these girls, he'd somehow become straight," Chanyeol explained, "and he meets Sehun. Sehun becomes his good friend and then Kai starts to have feelings for him. He can't act upon these feelings, but he thinks it's okay because Sehun would never date anyone. Kai wouldn't have to worry about Sehun falling for anyone else. Fast forward a few years and he comes back to Sehun with his feelings still there only to find that Sehun is dating Eunji. He said that you're stealing Sehun away from him, right?"

"Yeah." Eunji nodded.

"I think he hates you because you're stealing his first and only love away. He was okay with not having Sehun because no one could, but you ruined that. He loves Sehun, but Sehun loves you and Kai hates you for that," Chanyeol finished, crossing his arms in satisfaction.

"That's a very interesting theory." Eunji chewed her lip and mulled over the idea. "It's just I can't picture Kai as gay."

"I dunno, man." Chanyeol shrugged. "It's just a thought."

"Hey guys!" Sehun burst through the door with a smile and came to kiss Eunji. "What have you guys been gossiping about while I was gone?"

"Oh, nothing."

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