Prologue: The Rescue

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Jungkook coughed, pressing himself into the corner of the room as the smoke burned his lungs. Everything around him felt hot. He heard shouting outside, but for the time being he was trapped, sweating in the thin clothes his owners had dressed him in for their date. He struggled to breathe, pressing himself to the floor. The star attached to his arm by a thin chain sputtered and began to glow, rising into the air. He paid no attention to it, preoccupied with the smoke pouring in beneath the door. 

He was going to die. 

Something shattered outside the room. Footsteps pounded down the hall. People called to one another somewhere in the distance. Still coughing and choking, Jungkook sank to the ground and curled into a ball, pulling his shirt over his face. 

The door splintered and fell inward, slamming into the floor. Someone stepped through, their face invisible behind the dark face-shield of their fire suit. Jungkook watched them approach, wincing as they picked him up and wrapped him in what felt like a blanket. It covered his head, so he didn't see the route they took out of the house, but when they left it he felt the rush of cold air on his skin and started coughing again. 

His rescuer set him down. As the blanket fell away a nurse knelt beside him, asking questions he couldn't answer. His star continued to bob up and down in the air as the nurse checked him for burns and other wounds. He stared dully at it, coming to life only when he felt the tug on the necklace around his neck. 

He met the nurse's eyes. Hers were wide, horrified. She knew what the necklace meant? Jungkook looked from her to the firefighter, but the firefighter was gone. The nurse stood up and shouted for someone to come over. Jungkook watched, more confused by the moment, as another nurse joined them and then beckoned for another, taking his necklace off and running away with it. 

What was going on? 

"You're safe now," the nurse said, wrapping him in her arms. Jungkook shuddered, pushing her away. He wasn't her boyfriend. He was supposed to be someone else's tonight. Where was his client? Where was his owner? She took his arms in both hands and he wrenched them away. He didn't want to be touched unless he had to. He had to find his client. He had to find his boyfriend. 

"Where's my boyfriend?" he asked, his voice shaking. 

The nurse looked sad when she met his eyes. "It's okay," she said. "You're safe now, I promise." 


Two years later, Jungkook woke shaky, sweaty, and very afraid.

He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, gasping as the pain racing up and down his arm increased. His star was pulling again. He shifted, slowly looking down at it, and grimaced, letting out a soft whimper. Why now?

The bright blue star, shaped like a child's toy, hovered above his right arm, tugging and drifting on its thin silver chain like a glowing balloon. Jungkook turned the underside of his arm upward, hoping for relief, but it just made the star bounce, creating another painful tug beneath his skin.

The soft blue glow illuminated the sheets as he sat up, reaching out to touch it. The star let out a soft ping as he wrapped his hand around it, snuffing out the light. He let out a soft breath, looking around, but no one else in the room stirred. Slowly, he lowered his hand, pressing the star against the inside of his wrist. It took barely a moment to pin it there with his knee as he grabbed his pillowcase and yanked it off the pillow. The star vibrated against his skin, and he let out a soft cry of surprise.

Not soft enough.

His roommate rolled over, head popping up. "Kookie?" he called. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jungkook said, fumbling with the star. He let out another cry as it popped out of his hands. Why were his hands so sweaty? He reached for it again, but it drifted away from his hand. The tug under his skin grew stronger.

"Wait," his roommate said. "You're not supposed to touch it!"

Jungkook grabbed it again, letting out a breath of relief, and attempted to press it back against his arm, fumbling with his free hand for the pillowcase. The star vibrated again, and he grunted as it began to slip through his fingers. It was hard to hold on. Tears filled his eyes.

"Stop," his roommate said. "Jungkook, stop it. Let go!"

"What'sgoingon?" another voice called from behind him.

"He's touching his star!"

"I'm not!" Jungkook protested, still trying to wrap the pillowcase around his arm.

"Kook, don't touch your star."

"I'm not!" Jungkook let out a quiet sob, finally letting go. The tug hurt so much. But more terrifying than the pain was the thought that someone might see. His roommates were already halfway out of bed, closing in. He didn't want to be punished. He had to hide. He reached for the star again and the first one, Jimin, grabbed his wrist, climbing into bed and wrapping his arms around him.

"It's normal," Jimin whispered in his ear. "You gotta leave it alone."

"No," Jungkook whimpered, stiffening as the other roommate, Namjoon, slid into bed beside him. The star bobbed above them, tugging underneath his skin. He watched in muted horror as Namjoon's star rose to join his. Jimin's remained dark, wrapped around his wrist like a misshapen snake.

"Leave it alone," Jimin repeated. "It will go down on its own."

"I don't want them to feel it," Jungkook whined, flinching as Namjoon wound an arm around his waist. "Th-they can't find me. I don't want it. Please--"

"It will go down," Namjoon said. "Sleep, Kookie. It'll be fine in the morning."

Jungkook reached for the star again, and Namjoon took his other hand, trapping it against Jungkook's stomach. "We'll call the nurse," he said.


"Then you have to go back to sleep."

"I can't," Jungkook whimpered. "It hurts."

"I'll call them," Jimin said softly, sliding out of bed. Jungkook shook his head frantically, trying to move after them, and the star became tangled in his and Namjoon's arms, yanking so hard the pain spread to his chest. Jimin glanced over, meeting his eyes, and gently pressed the call button.

Jungkook began to cry.


On the other side of the city, a prince awoke, his star hovering over the blankets. He sighed, brushing the base of the chain where it connected to his skin, and took the star in both hands, pressing it against his chest.

"Where are you?" he whispered. 

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