Chapter Five : New Friends

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"Words, Jungkook," Minkyung said.

Jungkook swallowed, pressing his arm against his stomach. "Please-- please don't make me go to social-- social time."

"It's a new group," Minkyung said. "You know the rotation. You can't hide in your room forever."


"Enough." Minkyung pulled Jungkook to his feet. "We let you rest for two weeks. That's plenty of time."

Jungkook clenched his teeth, trying to hold back a sob. "I need-- I want-- I-- I--"

"You won't heal by hiding away," Minkyung said. "You need to get out there and be around people. Before that, you need to be with people like you."
"I'm scared," Jungkook whispered.

"So are they," Minkyung said. "You'll have two hours together, today. A former patient will be there to supervise."


"We're going to be late if you try to stall any longer," Minkyung said, pulling Jungkook forward and slipping the bag onto his shoulder. "Come. We're going."

Jungkook swallowed, bowed his head, and obeyed.


They had cleaned and reorganized the social room. No more fancy fragile vases or easily tipped furniture. Everything was blocky and brightly colored, like the inside of a kindergarten. Jungkook sat nervously on the edge of a large purple couch without taking off his bag, kicking his feet and wondering who would supervise them. Would they be nice? Or would they try to get Jungkook to talk?

Jungkook just wanted to hide in the corner. But it was already taken, by Jimin of all people. Jungkook knelt on the couch, leaning over the back, and stared at his roommate, wondering what had happened. Jimin was the closest to full recovery of all of them, better even than Namjoon, who stayed for lack of someone to give him a proper home during the last stage of recovery. What would have him crouched in the corner like that?

Jungkook leaned just a little too far and tumbled over the back of the couch, smacking his head and back on the carpeted floor. Jimin turned, startled, and crawled over to him, poking his nose.

"What's up?" he asked softly.

Jungkook sighed, frowning and tugging on Jimin's cheek. Jimin laughed, pushing his hand away, and pulled him up, giving him a quick hug.

"I'm fine. Just tired." he lowered his voice, grinning. "I met with my soulmate last night."

Jungkook's mouth dropped open. Jimin knew who his soulmate was?

"The best part?" Jimin leaned in, bumping his forehead against Jungkook's. "He's the captain of the royal guard. I don't have to worry about him."

Jungkook nodded, dazed. The whole hospital knew Min Yoongi, captain of the prince's guard and quite possibly the kindest badass in existence. He spent almost all of his free time at the hospital, 'making his rounds' to visit as many patients as would let him in. Seeing Jimin smile like this, Jungkook had a feeling he knew why.

"D-does he fight?" he mumbled, curiosity overwhelming his shock and apprehension.

Jimin wrapped a hand in his, grin widening. "Yeah. He promised he'd protect me."

Jungkook nodded, half-starstruck. The Min Yoongi had promised his friend he would protect him. It was almost too perfect. Jungkook crossed his legs, bouncing them up and down like a fidgety toddler, and leaned on Jimin's shoulder, taking a deep breath.

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