Chapter One : The Prince

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Jungkook crouched against the wall, picking at his bandages. The faint glow of his star shone through. Every so often the star vibrated, creating an uncomfortable feeling against his skin, but generally it stayed still, its soft blue light pulsating as it pressed into his arm. He sighed, poking it, and sat down, wrapping his arms around his legs.

The sight of the blue light should have comforted him. It meant his soulmate was awake, aware that he was hurting. The subtle, ticklish vibrations were signals his star sent to his soulmate, telling them that he needed them.

But he didn't. He didn't need them, he didn't want them, and he wished fervently that the star would go dark.

"What are you doing under the drinking fountain? You'll get wet, idiot."

Jungkook flinched, pressing himself against the wall. Minkyung sighed, crouching in front of him, and yanked him out from under his impromptu shelter, hauling him to his feet.

"I'm so tired of finding you in every corner of this building. Can't you walk yourself to meals?"

"Sorry," Jungkook mumbled. A few other nurses glanced their way, but made no move to interrupt. They were used to these exchanges. Minkyung didn't mean anything rude by it. His filter just wasn't as good as others'.

Jungkook let Minkyung drag him down the hallway, ignoring the pain. It was nothing compared to the heat in his ears.

"You had to pick the day his highness was coming," Minkyung grumbled. "Why must you have such horrible timing?"

"I'm sorry," Jungkook repeated.

"Just hurry." The nurse dropped behind him, pressing him hard in the small of the back. "You'll be lucky if you don't interrupt anything."

Jungkook nodded, picking up his pace and pushing the door open. Ducking his head to avoid the stares he knew were coming, he dashed forward and slammed right into the man heading out.

The man stumbled slightly, but Jungkook, who was going much faster, rebounded, tumbling to the ground and smacking his head on the door. A soft ripple of laughter spread out from around him, and he stayed on the ground, dazed, blinking back startled tears. Where had the man come from?

"Are you alright?"

Jungkook looked up, swallowing hard, and nodded, but his body wouldn't move. He made a feeble attempt to get back up and fell back, to the silent giggles of the staring patients. Now his face burned. The man caught him, pulling him to his feet. Jungkook immediately backed away, bowing in apology, and nearly fell over again. Laughter. Stars, he hated laughter.

"I'm sorry, your highness," Jungkook's nurse said, voice echoing in his ear. Jungkook flinched as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I should have warned him."

"It's fine, really," the man-- no, the prince, Jungkook realized-- said. His voice was deep and smooth, soothing. Jungkook pressed his arm to his chest, hiding his star, and stared at his feet. Why did he have to rush into the room? He was such an idiot. He started to turn, and Minkyung sighed, grabbing him and turning him right back around.

"Come on, apologize."

"He really doesn't have to--"

"Please, your highness, it's good practice for him."

Jungkook's throat closed. He attempted to look anywhere but the man, but everywhere else were the patients watching, though a few dropped their gaze in silent sympathy. His face was on fire. He wanted to scream and cry, maybe run out of the hospital and throw himself in the river. How could Minkyung do this to him? With the prince, no less? It was one thing to apologize to another patient. But to royalty? To him? He took a deep breath, shivering, and Minkyung slid his hand down to his, intertwining their fingers.

"Look him in the eyes," he coaxed.

Jungkook managed about half a second. "So-sorry," he gulped, looking down at his feet.

"Like I said, it's alright," the prince smiled softly. "What's your name?"

"Jung-Jung-Jungkook," Jungkook said. He tried to back away and felt Minkyung's hand on his back, holding him in place.

"Well, Jungkook, I hope you're unhurt," the prince said.

Jungkook nodded quickly. He wanted to leave. He wanted the conversation to be over. Why did the prince have to be so friendly?

"Taehyung!" someone called from behind the prince, "Come on, we need to leave soon."

"Very well!" the prince called back. Jungkook stared determinedly at his shoes as the prince turned back to them, probably flashing that famous smile of his. "My apologies," the prince said, lowering his voice. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your day."

"And you as well," Jungkook's nurse said. Jungkook kept his mouth shut, pressing his arm closer to his chest. It burned. He watched the prince's shoes turn around and leave and heaved a sigh of relief. The babble returned to the lunchroom, and he braced himself, looking up at the prince's retreating back.

The burn became worse. He quickly looked away, swallowing hard, only to glance back as Minkyung pushed him toward the food. Was that a bandage, hidden under the prince's long sleeve? Another glance and it was gone. Jungkook's nurse shoved a plate of food into his hands and steered him toward an empty table, and Jungkook let his eyes return to his feet, a sigh escaping him.

He was going to get it later. 

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