1. Cute & Clumsy

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You recently just moved from New York to California. You have started out new with your family. New jobs, new house, new friends, and most importantly a new school. It was your first day to your new high school and you were already late for the first class....

The bell rang loudly, echoing through the halls as everyone walked towards their class. I started to panic. I can't be late especially on my first day. I grabbed the folder that was handed to me with the lists of all my classes. "Why does this school have to be so big?" I mumbled under my breath. I located my first class and realized that it was on the other side of the school. I began to panic even more. I decided to make a run for it. I can't be any more late and walk in the middle of the class. It would be so awkward. I ran as fast as I could. Going left and right, turning corner to corner. "Ok almost there." I thought. As I ran, I turned into a corner going right when all of a sudden, I bump into a person. 

The collision happened so fast that both of our stuff went flying out of our hands, causing me to gasp loudly, grabbing on to the person as they did the same to me, and we both fell. My heart started beating so fast as I kept my eyes shut. The feeling of another body under me had me so embarrassed. "I am so sorry, oh my God." I said shyly. I felt the person's chest rise up and down. I am literally on top of this person and I don't know how. I opened my eyes and saw a boy. He had brown eyes and curly hair that fit so well with his face. Not to mention, his jawline was so lined and perfect. He looked cute... He smiled as his hands were on my arms. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nod as I felt my cheeks turn red. "Ah. Yes. I am. Are you okay?" I asked. With our bodies still on top of each other, he looked at me then chuckled. "Yeah. I'm okay." He replied. His voice such soothing and soft, as well as his smile so fine. We just laid there, looking at each other for a good second, then I snapped back into the moment. We both smiled and chuckled. "Let me just." I said, getting off of the boy. I stood up and saw our stuff all over the floor. The boy sat up and looked around. I began to feel so embarrassed. He stood up and brushed himself off. "I am, so so sorry." I said. "Are you kidding? No, I'm sorry." He said. "It just happened so sudden."  I replied. "I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.." He said. "Guess we're just in a hurry." I say as I get back down and start getting my stuff. "Oh. Please let me help you." The boy says, crouching down collecting my folder with papers. "Oh no it's fine." I say not looking at him feeling embarrassed when I decided to reach towards a paper when the two of us accidentally touched hands. I move my hand away quickly while he gives me the paper. "I'm Joshua." The boy says shyly. I look at him. "I'm Y/N." I replied. He smiles and finished getting my stuff as he handed it to me. "It's nice to meet you Y/N." Joshua says. "This boy is so adorable" I thought to myself. "It's nice to meet you too Joshua." I said to him. "Josh, Joshua. Whatever you prefer." He says grabbing his things. 

"Again I'm so sorry for what just happened." I said. With our stuff collected we stood there talking. "No you don't have to say sorry. I'm sorry." Joshua says. He looks at me and tilts his head. "I haven't seen you before." He asks. I nod. "Yeah I'm new." I say shyly. "Wait really?" He says. I nod again. "It's my first day." I say quietly. "And you're already late?" He questioned. Once again, I nod. "I'm trying not to freak out or anything." I add. "No, no don't panic. You'll be fine!." He says. "I should get going." I say. "Oh yeah, I'll let you get to that." Joshua says. We both smile when I moved left he moved right. I looked up at him and smiled. "Oh sorry." He says. I turned right and he turned left. Again, he moved right and I moved left. We both chuckle. "I'm sorry." We both said at the same time. "I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." We both said at the same as well. We both looked at each other and smiled. "Where are you heading to?" Joshua asks. "Uh." I say looking at the list from my folder. "Here." I said showing him the list. His face brightens up and he smiled. "Woah no way, I'm going there too! Looks like we have that class together!" He said happily. I smiled and my heart began to beat so fast. Joshua is so cute. "Oh that's great!" I reply. "Come on, let's head on down and I can come up with some excuse for being late. Don't worry we'll be fine. I've been late a couple of time before." Joshua says. "A couple?" I ask. Joshua sighes. "Okay maybe all the time." He admits. I smile as Joshua and I walked side to side to class.

While our little walk adventure to class was short, it was very fun. I got to know Joshua just a tad bit, while he got to know me a little too. He already insisted of meeting up with him after school and lunch, which I thought was a bit weird, but he felt sorry for bumping into me and wanted to be nice... We walked and talked as Joshua looked at me and not the halls. We finally reached towards the hall where our class was when Joshua didn't see the door that was closed. "Joshua. Watch out, the door-" I said when he walked into the closed door. He got pushed back as he fell sitting down. I don't know how that happened but he took a pretty big hit. His stuff once again fell on the floor. "Joshua." I said concerned. He had his hand on his eye. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. "That was not there before." He said. I smiled as I adored his clumsily self. "I'm so clumsy today." He added. "Cute and Clumsy." I said under my breath. Hoping that Joshua didn't hear what I said I offered him help. "Here let me help you up." I say walking closer to him. Of course, me also being a clumsy person, I somehow did not see Joshua's bag and I so happened to trip just a tiny trip, causing me to grab Joshua's hand as my whole body weight, fell on Joshua. Embarrassed again, I sighed. "Today is just not my day." I say looking at Joshua. "Looks like I'm the clumsy one too." I admit. With Joshua still holding my hand he looks at me and says under his breath. "Cute and Clumsy" My heart began racing. "That makes two of us." He added. We both smiled, having me help him up and this time we made sure that no more mistakes and mishaps will happen. In the end, we reached towards our class and I got to know and grow close towards Joshua. I knew that we were going to be close friends and maybe even more, even if he's cute and clumsy like me.

A/N: Okay, Okay I know this was probably so basic and cheesy but I'm going to be honest and say that I personally thought this was kinda cute... 

I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Joshua literally has my heart and I love him. :')  I literally can't wait for the next episode of hsmtmts. What will happen between Gina and Ricky? Ah so much to think about. 

If you have any ideas/suggestions on what I should write, please let me know!

Once again, I hope you all enjoyed reading! :)

Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon :)))

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