3. Feelings For You

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"I love you." You said softly looking into Joshua's eyes.  Joshua blinks as he is taken back by your words. "Y-you love me?" He whispered. You nod as your eyes move from his eyes to his lips. "With all my heart." You replied, while the two of you lean in closer as Joshua cups your face. You can hear his shaky breath upon your lips when right then and there, he stops as the sound of the bell rings loudly throughout the set.

Joshua lets go of your face and moves away from you as curse under your breath. "Every time. Why do we have to cut in this scene. Just once I want to kiss this boy in character." You whisper.  Joshua turns to his assistant  who was holding his script. He spoke a few words to his assistant, then turns to you. "You did great by the way." He says smiling, then walks away heading towards his trailer with his assistant. You feel your face blush and heart pounding. "Yeah you-" you said but realized that he was already gone. "Too" You whispered to yourself. Feeling flustered, your own assistant comes at you with your script and water. "You did great!"  Your assistant said as you grabbed the water and walked towards your trailer, which was on the other side of the set. "Oh my god really?" You asked opening the door to your trailer. You sighed. "I'm nervous." You said. "Nervous? Why nervous? You should be anything but nervous. You are doing fine." Your assistant said. "This is my first role. My first leading role. My first kiss. On screen kiss." You said overthinking all the possible things that can go wrong between the kiss. "I want it to be perfect." You added. "Well so far you are doing an amazing job. Don't let this kissing scene get to you." Your assistant said. "What if I'm a bad kisser? Or worse! What if he thinks of me differently after he sees and feels the way I kiss?" You asked looking through the script. "You're overreacting. You'll be fine. I promise." Your assistant said. "He's just so, cute." You say. "Wait. Do you have feelings for Mr. Bassett?!" Your assistant asked. "No-maybe-I don't know." You blurted out. "Trust me Mr. Bassett has worked with tons of other girls and it's just a simple scene and a simple kiss that may mean nothing." Your assistant said, making you feel terrible. "Geez that's exactly what I would love to hear. Thank you for the advice and motivation." You say storming out of your trailer walking back to the set. 

The words of your assistant were repeating inside your head. It's bizarre to think that he would have feelings for someone like you. Besides, you aren't the only one who has kissed him. Feeling like an anxious mess, you made back to the set where you found Joshua sitting on the set where the two of you left off in the middle of the scene. "Okay we're ready in 3!" You heard workers yell as you took your spot next to Joshua. "Hi." He said looking at you with his brown eyes. You felt your heart best faster. "Hi." You say shyly. "Did you have a good break?" He asked. You felt your face turn hot for a bit. "I did. Yes. Did you?" You asked trying to hide your anxious, nervous look. "I did." He said as he swings his feet. "Lovely" you said watching his feet swing. "Okay! Let's do this!" The director said loudly walking up towards the two of you. "Joshua, Y/N. We're running this scene where we left off. You two are confessing each other's love when you Joshua, can't resist to just kiss her." The director said as your heart banged against your chest by how nervous you were. Especially since Joshua is making the first move. "The script doesn't mention describe how this kiss is supposed to be." Joshua said. The director sighed. "What do you mean by that?" The director asks flipping through the script. "Is it short? Long? Sweet? Passionate? Unintentionally? Purposely?" He asked. You feel your breath shorten as you get more anxious on how this scene was supposed to be. You'd thought it would be short and simple. Something quick and meaningless. 

"There's nothing special or specific for this. So uh you two do your thing and we'll cut and stop when we do. Happy kissing I guess." The director says, walking back to his chair. Joshua looks at me and says "Sorry. I'm just a little nervous. I want it to be just right." You felt a little relieved knowing that he was nervous too. But the real question that's on your mind is that why would he be nervous, if he's done it before?

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