4. Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

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"Y/N?" You heard a voice say. You blinked causing you to come back to reality. "Sorry what?" You said looking over to see the stage manager holding the script for the school's play. "I said if it's ok if we have you on this side of the stage for your scene with Joshua." The stage manager said once again, while you listened but still kept your long, desired stare on Joshua. "Uh yeah. I don't mind. Whatever you need to do." You replied as you looked away and smiled at yourself looking down at the script the stage manager had.

Joshua stood on the other side of the stage talking to the second stage manager. His body faced towards Y/N while he held the script while looking at you and nodding at the same time to whatever the stage manager said. "Uh huh. Sounds good." Joshua replied, not knowing what the manager just said, but keeping his stare on Y/N. He looked at her from head to toe. He watched her look focused on talking with the first stage manager. He watched her lips move whenever she spoke. When she smiled and noded, he felt a slight flutter in his heart. "Joshua?" The manager said. Joshua blinked. "What?" He said shifting his attention from Y/N to the manager. "I said that this scene requires you to be on this side of the stage while Miss Y/N is on the other. We had to switch the sides but I want to know what you think." Joshua smiled. "It's fine by me. I don't mind at all." He says as he looked down at the script smiling to himself as he reviewed the script with the second stage manager. 

You followed the costume designer behind the stage where the dressings rooms were. You needed some alterations done for the show and now was a good time. Today was a prep day as rehearsal. Making sure the lights and sound work. The stage directions are written down properly and of course, the costumes which was your priority as of right now. The costume designer opened one dressing room door. "Right this way Y/N" the designer said as you entered  and found Joshua standing in the center as he was being fitted for one of his costumes. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm interrupting." You said stopping right in front of Joshua. His designer stood up from measuring his pant leg. "No you're fine. We've decided to fit you both at the same time to make things faster." Joshua's designer said. "And easier." Your designer said guiding you towards the little platform. Joshua turned his head towards you and smiled. "I'm sorry." You told him, feeling a bit awkward that the two of you were being fitted at the same time. "Don't be sorry. No worries. You're fine." He replied. You stood still as your designer starting measuring your side. "How are you?" Joshua asked still looking at you. You turned towards him. "I'm good. You?" You reply. "I'm good." He replies. You smile and he does the same. "Ok arms up Joshua, and look straight ahead." His designer said. He lifted his arms up as he kept his gaze ahead. You stood there with your head turned, looking at Joshua. You saw his side profile. You traced his jawline with your eyes and saw him lick his lips as he sighed. You studied his curly hair and noticed the tinest, simplest birthmarks on his neck. You felt your heart beat after, as you felt like if you and him were the only ones in the room. You then feel a slight pinch, making you lose your gaze upon Joshua. "Ouch." You wince. "Sorry dear. You kept moving." Your designer said. "Ok Joshua arms down and face towards your left." His designer said as he followed instructions. You then realized that he was facing you. The two of you smiled as he yawned a silent yawn while making a "I want to get out of here" face, causing you to giggle. "Ok Y/N just what Joshua did, arms up and look straight ahead." Your designer said as you did what was instructed.

Joshua watched Y/N as she kept her gaze straight ahead. He looked at her and realized that she was more beautiful than he imagined. He loved her side profile and watched her eyes wander from up and down as her fingers moved. He stood there quietly listening to Y/N as she spoke with her designer. He could stand and listen to her talk all day. Her voice  soothing with her giggles so contagious. He studied her cheekbone and her ear piercing that held small diamond studs as earrings. He noticed a simple small birthmark on her left side of her cheek. Joshua's heart did it again. It fluttered and he felt like he could just hop off that platform and grab her and  hold her as he kisses her. "Joshua." He heard his designer said. "Sorry. Yes?" He said blinking turning back to his original position. "Take a look." His designer said as he looked at his reflection with his costume on. "Woah. This was huge on me like a few minutes ago and now it's fitting great!"  He said. He heard a voice say "Oh. Someone's looking fresh." And he knew that it was Y/N.

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