5. You're Distracting Me

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It was that time of the year that everyone dreaded. Finals week. The week of not getting enough sleep, working on last minute assignments that were not turned in, cramming everything that was taught in the semester, and drinking excessive amounts of caffeine to stay up. Studying and making sure to pass your finals were your top priority. Being a good scholar, you wanted everything to be perfect. Studying every night and going over the materials from the class. You weren't messing around. You were focused and determined, and you didn't want anything to mess you up and get you distracted.

I sat on my bed, with my legs criss-crossed as my notebooks and textbooks surrounded me. I held my pencil as I wrote down formulas as I memorized them. Studying for me was a pain, but I knew I needed to get all the material down if I wanted to pass this final. 

I then hear a knock on my door. Without looking up from my paper, I said "Come in." while I continue to write a formula I was writing. I then finish writing, placing my pencil down as I look up to see Joshua. He peers in as he smiles and lets out a shy and quiet "Hey." I smile as I gesture to come in. "Hey you." I say smiling, feeling a little bit happier knowing Joshua was here. He comes in and closes the door behind him. "How's my girl doing?" He asks coming up to me, kissing me. "She's tired. But she's powering through." I reply. He then pulls out a bag. "Well I knew you were going to be up all night and I assume that you're tired but I brought you some goodies." He says giving me the bag while I peek inside. Candies and energy drinks to power me through the night. I grin. "You know me so well." I reply. He grins as well as he kisses me once more. "I sure do." He says placing the bag next to me, walking over to my desk, grabbing my chair as he pulls it out and sits in front of me, facing me and  my bed. "So whatcha studying for?" He asks. I take a big sigh. "Chemistry my dear Joshy." I say. He chuckles. "Wait? Don't they give you like a reference sheet for you to look at?" He asks as he chews a piece of candy he managed to get before he sat down. "Well yeah, but I want to memorize and practice using the formulas. I want to get things right." I respond. He smiles. "My smart cookie. Always trying her best to get that education." He says smiling. I smile back as I pick up my pencil and coninued to write in my notebook. 

I coninued where I left off, writing and memorizing while Joshua sat across from me, but there was something that kept distracting me. I felt Joshua's stare on me. His eyes just keeping a straight stare on me and only me. I look up from my book as I look at him. "Joshua." I say. He doesn't break the stare. "Hmm?" He says. I chuckle. "You're staring." I say. He shakes his head. "No I'm not." He responds. "Yes you are you're staring." I say. "Am not. I'm admiring you." He replies. "Admiring?" I ask. He nods. "It's creepy." I reply. "It's romantic." Joshua says. We both smile as I go back to my book. I flip a few pages and write more stuff down, saying stuff under my breath when Joshua suddenly gets up. He walks on over and then closes my books. "Wait-Joshua!" I say. "I was actually using them and studying!" I say. "Mhm. Now how long have you been studying?" He asks. I blink. "Since I got home." I reply. "And how long has it been?" He asks.   I play with my fingers. "Uh- 2-3 hours ago?" I say quietly. "Y/N! And no break?!" He says. I shake my head. "Joshua. I'm sorry. I just need to pass." I say. He then takes my stuff and places it on my desk. "What you need, is a break my love." He says. I shake my head. "No, no. I need to continue." I say, getting up from my bed, but Joshua stopped me. "Come on. Just a quick break? It won't hurt. Please?" He asks. "For me?" He continued. I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, although I think he's a distraction, I knew he was right. So maybe a small break wouldn't hurt. "Okay."

The small break consisted of laying down on my bed, with Joshua on top of me, cuddling and singing to me while I ran my hands through his hair. It was perfect, I didn't want it to end, but I knew I had to get back to studying. "Ok Joshua. I have to continue." I said. "No. Please stay longer." He says. "We'll continue when I'm done, but for now I have to go back to studying." I said. Josh wouldn't budge and I kept trying to get him off of me. "Come on now Joshy. The sooner I finish the sooner we can continue." I stated. He didn't listen or move. He just started to kiss me. From my neck, cheek, then lips. I smile and enjoy the moment, forgetting my top priority on studying. "Joshua you're distracting me." I said. "Am not." He replies in between kisses. "Yes you are. Listen as much as I love your kisses. Now is not the time." I respond, slowly prying myself off of him. "Josh, I love you but right now I have to get back to studying." I say getting up from the bed, walking over to my desk, grabbing my chair sitting down continuing where I left off.

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