~Flame heart pt.2~

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😆 WE ARE FINALLY HERE HOES! The moment you've been waiting for is here. Thanks to my sister, @bangchannie05, and her nagging I have inspiration!

Saranghae 💋

Y/n's POV


"Appa? Where are you going? Can I come with you?"
"No N/n. You need to stay here with your eoma. Make sure no alien monster sneaks in and steel the food." He whispered to me. I giggled.
"Okay Appa."


*GASP!!!* "Y/n! Are you okay in there?" I quickly caught my breath and got out of the bath.

"Yeah I'm okay!" I replied. I got dressed and got out of the bathroom. I was immediately face to face with Chanyeol. "Oh umm.. Can I help you?" He was so close to me. He looked at my eyes then my lips.

"The guys are coming over [coming over!😝] And D.O is making lunch. I just wanted to let you know." He said then realized how close he was and backed away. I've only been here a few days on EXO Planet and for some reason Chanyeol has been acting weird AF!

*Ding! Dong! Dong!* The door bell rang.

"I'll get that." I said but he gripped my arm.

"You don't know if that's them. It could be my parents. I'll get it." He said and went to the door.

"YEOLIE!!" The guys shouted. I ran to the door and went under Chanyeol just to see them.

"N/N!!!" They shouted and gave me hugs.

"I missed you guys all so much!"

"Oh we missed you too N/n!" Sehun said hugging me longer than the others. We all then sat on the couch while D.O made the lunch.

"So Y/n. When are you going home?" Suho asked me.

"Why? You wanna get rid of me already?" I joked. They all glared at poor Suho and looked at me in sympathy. "I was just joking. It was just a joke!" I reassured them. They all laughed except for Baekhyun. 'What's his problem?' I wondered.

"Who is ready for toast?!"

"And who is ready for iced cocoa?" All of the guys put up their hands except for me because I didn't know what it really was. D.O put down the toast and Lay put down the iced cocoa. Turns out that the toast is aka French toast and the iced cocoa was a cold pink-ish orange liquid which tasted like...Cocoa.

"Ohh my goodness! This is sssooo goood!"

"Oh Y/n you have something on your face. Let me get that for you." Chanyeol said wiping off a smudge of syrup that was on my face.

"Ooohhh Yeolie!!" Everyone shouted out. I just sat there. Red and embarrassed. When we finished the lunch we started talking. A bit laughing here and there, but then there was an awkward silence.

"Y/n. Your one eye is..." Baekhyun said cutting off the silence.

"What?" I asked. When no one answered I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I looked in the mirror my left eye's iris faded away into the white of the eye. I was scared. I turned around and saw the others standing there.

"What does this mean?" Chen asked.

"She has a power?!" Kai asked.

"But what is it?" Lay asked aswell.

"Don't know don't care! And you guys have to leave!" Chanyeol said. Without any questions they all left. I looked at him. He was more harsh on them than usual. "It is getting late anyways! Don't look at me like that Y/n." He said and left. We got dressed and got ready to sleep. But I found Chanyeol putting blankets and pillows on the couch.

"You're sleeping on the couch?" I asked.

"No you are. Unless you wanna sleep on the stove?"
'If I sleep next to her any longer I might fall in love.'

"I'm sorry, did you say something else?"

"No. I didn't say anything."

"Oh. Please! Yeolie! Can I sleep next to you? I'm not used to sleeping on my own." I pleaded. Just to tease him a little.

"I would say you have Insomnia but I'm scared you will die. So yeah sure you can sleep on the bed with me." I jumped up excitedly and ran to the bedroom.
'I must be out of my mind to say yes.'

"Huh?" I asked and turned around.

"Hm? I didn't say anything."

"Okay?" I looked at Chanyeol suspiciously. I then got on the bed and fell asleep.

??? POV

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Annyeong. Are you still keeping tabs on the alien?"

"Oh yes sir. We just met her today and..."

"Nae! Spit it out!"

"I think she might be turning into one of us."

Y/n's POV
*Time Skip*(Next day)

So Chanyeol said that he was going to buy food. I went outside and walked around in the backyard. I went to the forest and stopped at my spaceship. It was broken down. I then heard something break. I quickly turned around but saw no one there. I took out a pole from the broken ship as a weapon.

"Who's there?! Come out! NOW!" I then saw a squirrel. I sighed in relief. Then someone held their hand on my mouth and held my torso.

"Hey Y/n. Nice to see you." A familiar voice said then zapped me with a tazer. I fell on the ground and looked at him.

"W-Why are you d-doing this?" I asked backing away.

"Don't act innocent. You brought this upon yourself." He said then hit me. I then passed out.

I woke up in a strange place. There was a light in my eyes. I blinked a few times before I adjusted to the light.
'Oh she's awake.' I looked to my side and saw HIM staring at me. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was tied up on a doctor's bed.

"Why did you do this to me? How could you?!" I said as a tear fell from my eye.

"I didn't have a choice. I was payed to. I needed the money and the only way I could get it was if I reported supernatural activity. Then you came along and saved my life."

"Please! I know there's some good in you! Please."
'I'm sorry Y/n.'

"Stop with your nagging and pleading!" He said as he banged his hands on the bed.

'Did he just apologize then say something completely different. Wait..He didn't move his lips the first time. Did I read his mind?' I thought.

"I know you don't really mean what you say."

"Shut the fuck up you human!"
'What does she mean?'

"I mean I can read your mind."

Chanyeol's POV

I went home but to my surprise Y/n wasn't there.

"Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted.

"Chanyeol!" I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw Baekhyun run into my house.

"Baek? What's wrong? Where's Y/n?"

"He has her locked up! He's gonna..!" He said out of breath.

"What is it! Spit it out!"

"Sehun's gonna kill her..."

Ohhhh now you know the truth! I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected but I don't like to make promises!


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