[I'm not scared]

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Mikasa lift her dizzy head, her neck ached from sitting in an awkward postion. She rubbed her dry eyes with the back of ther hand, pulling her hair out of her face and stretching her arms above her head. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a glowing digital clock placed against the wall. 9:56pm it read. Mikasa's stomach lurched. She spun around, ghosting her eyes over the room before they settled on the sleeping boy beside her. That's when she realised.

"Armin!" She couldn't refrain from yelling, causing the boy to jump. "I-I'm so sorry!"

"Mikasa..? You're up?" Before she could respond, her phone buzzed from inside her pocket. She pulled the device out, checking the notifications. Five messages from Eren, two missed calls from him. Two messages from Mrs.Yeager and several missed calls as well as a missed call from Dr.Yeager.

"Oh no. Armin, I should go. Sorry again." Mikasa ran to grab her bag, jogging down the stairs.

"Mikasa wait! Ugh!" Mikasa stopped by the door, slipping on her shoes. "I'll call Eren and see if his parents can pick you up." Mikasa nodded, biting her lip. Armin set the call to speaker and after four rings, Eren picked up.

"Armin, guess what?" Eren sounded giddy.

"Eren, can your parents-"

"I broke my arm at football, isn't that cool?" A wave of heat ran down Armin as he watched Mikasa turn pale. Slowly, she placed her hand to her head.

"I'm sorry Mikasa. I-I shouldn't have made you come-"

"Eren, how-what happened?" Mikasa frantically spoke into the phone.

"Oh, hey Mikasa. Um, I went for the ball and so did Reiner, anyway, he ended up falling ontop of me and I broke my arm. I gonna get a cast and everything!" Eren explained. He didn't sound like he was in pain, which gave Armin the slightest relief. "We're at the hospital now."

"Eren, could--could you get Dr.Yeager to pick me up please?"

"Sure." Inaudible speech could almost be heard from the other end of the line, folled by shuffling and a hiss of pain.


"Dad say's he'll be there in around twenty minutes. Gotta go, see ya!"

"Eren wait!" He hung up. Armin watched Mikasa with a furrowed brow. She still bit her lip. Sitting down on the stairs, she rest her throbbing head in her hands, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. It seems this was one of her worse ones. Armin sat beside her.



"Paracetamol?" Armin decided a while ago to keep extra pain-killers for Mikasa in the cupboard. Her headaches were something both he and Eren knew about.

"...Please." Armin stood, almost running into the kitchen. He grabbed a packet and a cup of water, he handed them to Mikasa. "Thank you." She laid the water down on the step, popping out two tablets, swallowing them without any form of liquid.

"Dont cholke!" Armin exclamed. Mikasa glanced at him through the corner of her eye before sheltering her onyx orbs with the flesh of her eyelid.

Fifteen minutes passed of the two not saying a word. Mikasa leaned against the wall, eyes still closed, yet her whole body was tensed. Four consecutive, almost rythmic knocks on the door. Armin stood and began approaching, however Mikasa pulled him forcefully back. She approached in his stead, peering through the peephole. She let out an audible sigh of relief.

"He's here." Mikasa unlocked the door, holding it open, gripping the handle tightly. "How is Eren?!" Dr.Yeager chuckled.

"He's fine, exited actually. Although Carla, Eren and I both agree you should worry more about yourself." Dr.Yeager lowered himself slightly to Mikasa's height. He rest the back of his hand against her forehead and she squeezed her eyes shut. "You haven't been getting much sleep recently, I noticed. I'm going to take you home, where you can sleep."

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