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Weeks later

Mikasa had been discharged from the hospital, both Eren and Mikasa were allowed back to school despite not being in the best condition.

"I brought your laptop..." Mikasa avoided eye contact while handing Armin a large black case, which probably contained the device and it's accessories.

"Thanks. So how've you both been?" Armin leaned against the wall, gripping the handle to his laptop with his dominant hand. Eren still had his arm in a cast, and Mikasa had a little extra weight to gain until she looked healthy, not to mention build her muscle back up.

"I'm good, but Mikasa's been quiet... quieter than usual." Eren turned to face his sister, who watched the floor, hair falling over her face.


"A while before she was discharged she was doing sit ups." Eren chuckled nervously, watching his sister with his eyebrows drawn together.


"Let's just go inside... I'm cold."

As soon as you entered the cafeteria you were hit with a wave of heat, as well as the smell of breakfast bacon. There were more people than usual today, as winter was slowly creeping around the corner, the cold wind just ahead of it. Mikasa walked ahead of the boys, claiming their usual table. She leaned her head against her palm, watching the outside world.

"You want anything to eat Mikasa? Mom gave me some money so you could eat a little more."

"I'm not hungry."

"I'll get you a bagel. Butter?"

"Yes please..." They dynamics these two had was sometimes shocking. Armin smiled.

"So, how are you really?" Armin placed both of his hands on the table. Mikasa watched him out from the corner of her eye before turning, her gaze meeting his.

"Armin, I... please don't hate me for this, but... I read your Disc-"
A bagel was dropped ahead of Mikasa, making her flinch and cutting of the rest of her sentence. Armin's stomach flipped, he knew what she was going to say. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

"I'm not moving until you eat it all, Mikasa." Eren placed his hand to his cheek, watching Mikasa intently. I don't want to talk about this in front of Eren. Armin said in his head, Mikasa seemed to get the message, as she nodded and took a small bite out of the bagel.

"Mikasa! You're back!" Came Jean, sitting beside Armin, opposite Eren.

"Hey! I'm back too Horseface!"

"Yeah, yeah. So Mikasa, how are ya?"

"I'm fine, Jean. Let me eat in peace." Another bite. Jean huffed, turning to Armin; he seemed to strike up a conversation, however Armin was only paying attention to Mikasa.

"...So, did ya tell her yet?" Jean smirked raising a brow.

"Tell who what?" Eren added, leaning across the table. Mikasa edged closer to the side of the bench, obviously uncomfortable.

"I... no."

"Who're we talking about?" Eren budged closer to Armin, pursing his lips and raising an accusatory eyebrow.

"Eren, sit down. You're going to hurt your arm again." Mikasa pulled Eren back down by his collar, forcing a choking noise out of him.

"Dammit, even though you're a string bean, how are you still strong? I don't get it..." Eren rubbed his neck with his free hand, glaring at the 'string bean' from the corner of his eye.

"Be quiet, Eren." She's acting colder than usual... maybe she doesn't like the idea of... us... Silence stretched along the friend group, the only other sounds bein the murmurs of other conversations and Mikasa quietly eating.

"Hey guys! How 'bout we play never have I ever?" Eren suggested, smacking his hand against the table, causing Mikasa to visibly flinch.

"Uh, why?" Armin asked, not taking his eyes off the girl, who briefly stopped chewing, in order to furrow her brow and glare at Eren.

"Why not? I'm bored."

"The world doesn't revolve around you, blockhead." Jean added, raising his hand, his five fingers outstretched. "Fine, I'll play." Mikasa and Armin seemed to share glances before holding up their hands.

"Ok, never have I ever... farted in public?" Eren began, lowering his finger, a smile on his features.

"What kinda first question is that?!" Jean exclaimed. "We're in the presence of a lady." Eren scoffed, returning his lowered finger to its initial position.

"Fine then, you come up with a quetion Horseface!"

"Never have I ever... had a crush on someone in this group." Jean and Eren simultaneously lowered their fingers.

"...What..." Mikasa muttered, drawing her eyesbrows together.

"Cmon Mikasa, put your finger down~" Eren's smile widened as Mikasa's blush deepened, and with a trembling hand, she lowered her finger.

"You too Armin." Jean teased, raising an eyebrow. "If you say you haven't had a crush on Mikasa then you're lying, that goes for everyone."

"What-" Mikasa began.

"So, Mikasa, who did you like?" Jean smirked, raising a suggestive eyebrow.

"I-I um..." Mikasa laid the bagel on the table, proceeding to cover her face with her hands, the obvious blush creeping through her fingers. "No." She simply said.

"Aww, is Mika embarrassed?" Eren sang.

"Aw, she's blushing~" Jean imitated Mikasa's hand position.

"Guys maybe you should stop..." Armin's speech was over ruled.

"I'm not taking part in this." Mikasa stood, grabbing her bag, leaving the boys as well as the bagel at the table.

"Mikasa wait, you didn't finish breakfast!" Armin scooped up the bagel, running after her frantically. "Mika...sa... you need to... eat..." Armin leaned over slightly, gasping for breath. Mikasa watched him, leaning against the wall her entire body tensed.

"I don't want it."

"But you...need... it."

"I don't want it."

"Mikasa... don't make me... shove it down your throat."

"You wouldn't." Armin stood, holding the bagel just ahead of Mikasa, he retracted his arm before forcibly opening her mouth he shoved the food in. "Armin wat thwe fwuck?!" She grabbed his wrists, pushing him backwards.

"Mikasa... what... what were you going to say earlier?"


"You were worried if I would hate you, I could never hate you, so tell me..."

"I think you already know..."

"Yeah, I do... so what do you think?"

"What do I... think?"

"Er, you dont have to answer me right away! I-I mean, I just-" Mikasa had shut him up. She pressed his lips against his, locking him in a short embrace. It was like fireworks. Fireworks going off everywhere, the excitement you feel watching them, the pounding noise. It was amazing. She pulled away.

"I can't exactly put it into words... but, I hope this works..." Armin watched her in awe. She jumped, red scatering her face. "I'm sorry, I should have asked permission and if you-" Armin returned her kiss with one of his own, having to stand on his tip toes in order to reach her. "Ah..."

"I'm guessing that was your first kiss too?"

"Uh... yeah... how could you tell?"

"Erm, well, we're both inexperienced." Mikasa nudged his arm playfully. "Your bagel's probably cold now..."

"Oh well."

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