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As soon as Mikasa returned to the comfort of the Yeager household, she collapsed onto the sofa sitting in the living room. Maybe I have been working myself too much...She huffed, closing her eyes. I wonder how Eren is..? Mikasa forced herself upright, trudging up the stairs, she creaked Eren's bedroom door open, peeing in through the small gap between the wall and door. She could barely make out anything in the room, only the silhouette of a lump laid in a cluster of duvet on the bed.

"Go away..." Eren sleepily muttered.

"Do you need anything?" Mikasa whispered in response, grasping the brass knob in her hand tightly.

"We just got home... go to sleep already." Anger rose slightly in his voice, before dropping to a softer tone as sleep took over his body. Mikasa hummed, closing the door softly, lingering by for a few seconds. He was already asleep. Mikasa made herself smile, heading into her own, smaller bedroom. She wasn't given the smaller room purposefully, it was simply the only room available for use when she moved in. 

Mikasa flicked the light on, her bedroom walls were a pale pink, her bed sat under the window, visible as soon as you enter, a shelf and radiator beside it. Her dresser was placed behind the door, a shelf of books occupying the space above. Mikasa flopped onto the bed, her legs hanging over the edge. She sighed, her arm falling over her mouth, nose nuzzled into the crevice of her elbow. I should really get to sleep. But we have a test due tomorrow... staying up another twenty minutes isn't going to hurt. Mikasa pulled her tired, heavy body out of bed, flicking the light off as she left her room. 

Trudging as quietly as possible down the stairs, she grabbed her textbooks, holding them close to her chest. The kitchen tiles were cold under the bare skin of her feet, sending a shiver through her body. The small light placed on the corner of the table, buried in the darkness until illuminated, was her only source of light. Mikasa threw the book open to the designated page that the students were supposed to revise. Science was, at the moment, Mikasa's worst subject. 

''Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,, Was the only sentence Mikasa saw before her head lowered, falling against the paper. She couldn't move her body, even if she forced it. All she could do was listen. Get up! She commanded herself. The silence stretched on, until the stairs creaked under someone's weight. 

"Mikasa? Please don't tell me you're still up?" Dr.Yeagers voice sounded from the hallway, his slippers sliding along the floor, giving away his position. "Oh." Dr.Yeager lift Mikasa's limp head off of the book, holding her in place as he slid the book from under her. "Lets get you upstairs." He whispered, one of his arms under her legs, the other supporting her back. Mikasa's arm fell limply to the side as Dr.Yeager grunted under her weight.

The stairs creaked under the two's combined weight. Mikasa was probably heavier than Dr.Yeager, as he had no muscle on his body whatsoever, so it was a surprise that he could carry her, even if he struggled the entire time. Mikasa's mind slipped in and out of consciousness, images flashing through her mind. Memories from when she was young, she was playing with Armin, Eren nowhere in sight. She could never remember being alone with Armin, however. She felt differently about him than she does now, although Mikasa couldn't place her finger on why, or how, or when it changed.

"Where's Eren?" She found herself asking. Armin gave her a worry full glance, remaining silent for what seemed like forever.

"Who's Eren?" He finally responded. Shock took over Mikasa's body, arching her neck downward. "Mikasa? What's the matter? Are you sick?" Eren wasn't here, his best friend didn't know who he was, yet Mikasa couldn't bring herself to feel upset, or anything negative. She was glad that it was just her and the blonde boy before her. "Are you making up people again?" Armin chuckled nervously, his sweet, heartwarming smile pausing on his face briefly.

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