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The sun shone through the crack between the curtains, hitting Armin in the face, forcing him awake. The room was still relatively dark, eerie shadows cast in the corner. Armin brought his attention ahead of him, where a girl lay, her face calm, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, one of her legs over his. Armin's body flushed with heat, he flinched, the slight movement causing the girl to stir. She moved to the side, her back facing Armin. Mikasa hummed, pushing herself upward, moving her hair out of her face, manuvering the wires away. Armin instinctively closed his eyes, attempting to act as though he had been asleep the entire time.

"Armin?" Mikasa whispered, as though unsure if he was awake. "Armin, I know you're not asleep." Dammit, you just can't lie to this girl. Armin huffed, sitting upright.

"You feel any better today?"

"Yeah. Although I'm not thrilled that I have to stay in bed... Do you think I could-"


"You don't even know what I was going to ask."

"I do. 'Do you think I could go outside, just for a little bit?' I know you, Mikasa."

"I...I wasn't going to say that..."

"Then what were you gonna say?"

"Do you think I could...get s-something to eat?" Ah, the stutter.

"You're lying." She huffed.

"How could you tell?"

"Well if I tell you, you'll try and avoid doing it next time." Mikasa brought her legs to her chest and she rest her chin on her knees. She watched her feet. "So, what's on your mind?"


"You always sit like that when you have something on your mind."

"It...it's nothing." Armin sighed, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head.

"This is not nothing. You're in a hospital for Christ's sake."

"Like I've said, it's nothing... I'll get over it."

"But your body might not."

"I don't want to tell you about it..."

"Specifically me?" Mikasa hummed, neither a yes or a no, she just hummed. "I tell you everything. Why can't you tell me about this? Please?"

"No one tells me everything... people barely tell me anything."

"I'll tell you what. When I get back from school, we tell each other what we want to know, ok?" Mikasa hugged her legs tighter. "It looks like Mrs.Yeager left you your pajama's. Anyway, gotta go, see you later!"

"Have a good day."

"I'll try. Bye."

"Bye." Armin ran out of the room. Carla was sat on one of the chairs outside of Mikasa's room. He couldn't tell if she was sleeping or not, either way, he didn't bother her.

After freshening up at home, Armin made his daily commute to school, Mikasa's lavender scent still evident.

"Hey, Armin!" Armin spun his head to the side, when he locked eyes with Jean, who was waving his hand in the air hysterically. "What happened yesterday? We saw a teacher carrying Mikasa out of the toilets, you were looking worried."

"Jean! Wouldn't you be worried too if your love intrest was covered in blood?" Sasha slapped Jean on the back of the head, a playful yet stern smile on her face. "But seriously, what happened?"

"Oh... Mikasa hit her head badly, she has to spend a bit of time off school." That wasn't even half of it... but I'm not gonna tell you guys everything, sorry.

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