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Mikasa awoke a while later, vision blurry, her head aching and an awful taste lingering in her mouth. A cold wet towl was laid on Mikasa's forehead. She tried to move, yet only her finger twitched sideways, brisking over the fabric covering either someone's arm or someone's leg.

"Mikasa?!" The urgency ran in his voice, causing Mikasa a world more of pain. Armin leaned over her slightly. "It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be fine." What's he talking about? I'm not in pain? I just need to get up and... Mikasa attempted to push herself upwards, however an awful burning sensation ran through her body, it was like falling down several flights of stairs, bruising every inch of your body.

"Agh!" Mikasa couldn't help but make a painful sound. She clenched her jaw, falling back onto the soft fabric beneath her. She breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating.

"M-Mikasa, just stay calm and t-try not to move. You'll be ok."

"Whats...going on?" She managed to whisper, even though when she did, her lungs ached.

"You've-you've done some damage to you body... not eating and sleeping... and then you fell and h-hit your head pretty badly." If it weren't for the pain, Mikasa could fall asleep right then and there. "The doctors are gonna give you something to kill the pain... you just need to-to relax and do as they say."

"I think... you're the one that... needs to relax." Armin chuckled slightly.

"Yeah... m-maybe I do... you're gonna be fine after all."


Everytime Mikasa closed her eyes for long periods of time, Armin's heart skipped a beat. His mind wasn't thinking straight,  constantly worrying if she would open them.

"T-try not to speak, save your energy."

"Keep speaking to me... take my mind off... this."

"Erm, well a-a new season of that show you like is gonna air tomorrow." A small smile broke onto Mikasa's features, she closed her eyes, although the smile was still there. "Uh... Eren's football team won the game, they're going to the semi-finals. I'm sure Eren's upset that he can't play, but..." Armin glanced back over towards Mikasa. Her smile had vanished, her lips were parted, and her face was calm, yet pale. "M-Mikasa?" Armin held Mikasa's cheek. "Mikasa?! P-please, just stay awake a little longer?! Please... please smile again..." Armin was pushed aside almost immediately. Mikasa was rolled away on a bed. The doctors seemed urgent. Armin bit his lip, walking back into the waiting area. The Yeager family were waiting, their expressions solemn.

"What happened?" Eren asked, looking up from the ground.

"She lost consciousness again... What's gonna happen to her Dr.Yeager?"

"As far as I know... she's caused damage to her brain, from the starvation, sleep deprivation and fall... she may need to stay in hospital for a few weeks."


"That's the lowest amount of time I hope for." Armin turned to Carla, tears were falling down her cheeks, falling off of her chin and landing on her hands, which were curled into fists.

"We were...supposed to go for coffee today..." Armin added, choking up. "Because she wanted to give Eren his space." Before he could stop it, a small tear fell from his eye. Carla commanded Armin, without words, to sit beside her. He did, and he waited long into the night, just to see Mikasa. Even if she couldn't talk. Even if she couldn't move. He just wanted to see her face. Finally, the sleepy group was allowed into the room. Mikasa had stuffed her pillows behind her back, allowing her to sit upright. She smiled slightly upon seeing her family and friend, she had obvious bags under her eyes, the light of the room casting further shadows. Her eyes were half closed and her hand, which had wires connecting to monitors protruding out, was folded on her lap. Without thinking, Carla almost ran upto Mikasa, throwing her into a hug. She cried into Mikasa's shoulder, who laid her hand weakly onto Carla's back.

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