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it was recess already and tummies were all grumbling in hunger. That desperate needs to continue to live and breath on this world as students rush their way outside the classroom and sprinting from the hallways to the cafeteria to get first in line. Yeonjun was different from the other. He wasn't the type to rush his way but just keep a steady and chilled posture. Thus, he was rather cold in the eyes of others, he wasn't really the social type-it's not that he doesn't want to socialize but he just not familiar to mingle much, but people still brush off the coldness of his with his bright talents. Although he's mostly bland, he's still the talk topic of students especially for his really deep yet emotional dancing and rap skills. People now understand, even though he's bad at communicating with people face to face, he's best for communicating with his gifted talents.

"here's the receipt, thank you" the cashier muttered to yeonjun, passing out the change before bowing 'goodbye', leaving the snack store grounds and heading straight to his usual recess spot; the music room.

turning the doorknob as he closes the door behind. He was welcomed with silence as the room was filled with different kinds of instruments. He could also play any type of instruments but on an average level despite only mastering only on some instruments only. He usually likes to play the guitar when he's inside the music room. Sitting on the grounds as he leaned against the music equipment box. Noodling onto the strings as he felt one with the melody playing whilst chewing onto his bread.

then, the doorknob started to turn making a 'click' sound which made me out of guard and quickly hides behind the music equipment box. It rare to have visitors during  the recess time, especially when he has been coming here for quite a long time. wait, why am i hiding?. 

He slowly held up his head, taking peek of the mysterious visitor, it was a girl- a familiar face though, a girl in the same department. Yeonjun was quiet but he was the observant type, he's got eyes by the back of his head. 

The girl was taking peeks by the window through the blinds, checking the surrounding for some familiar faces that might be searching for her. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she shuts the blinds properly and stepped closer to the instruments.

Falling softly to the ground, "why is my heart beating so fast? i'm not even guilty" yeonjun murmured softly under his breath, feeling confused before going back to peek on the girl's actions.

she brushed her hands along the bells making her giggle by the tingling sound produced. Then she made her way by the piano, laying her lap against the seat and opened the piano, witnessing the furnished long white and black keys. Inhaling up a deep breath first and started strumming along the piano keys-a deep melody played ans she began to sang...

it's okay
it's okay
i'm here for you

'No one knows how i feel'
All those days you tried
to comfort yourself
Just one step, no two steps
Come a little closer
I'll be a shoulder to cry on,
i'll walk beside you from now on

For a moment there, i never heard such surrowful music that touched me this deep. The sunlight from the window rays was just like a personal spotlight to her. The singing and this once gloomy music room felt like it was bright again. This moment was just right, beautiful and i'm astonished.

it's okay, even after time goes by
it's okay, even after everything
in this world changes
i'm here, i'll be there for you for you

it's okay, even when tears fall down
it's okay, even when i start fading
don't forget, i'll be there for you
that i'm here for you i'm here for you-

Out of the blue, the door gushed opened as it startled both of the people inside, almost giving a hard attack. "lee haera! i've been looking everywhere for youu, i thought you might be heree" A girl with short hair howled her way inside, wearing her worried face. Lee Haera? that must've been here name. A chuckle manage to escape haera's mouth, enough to cover her sadness. "but, it's been month since you last came here.. why did you come to play?" her best friend questioned, anxiety boiling inside.

Giggling, "just because. I felt like playing today" Haera huffed out, running her hand along the keys before strumming onto a few which startled her friend. 

"hey, hey, let's get out of here.. the recess is almost over, let's stop by the snack store first, pleaseee" she begged, pulling onto the 'please' word, insisting haera to come along whilst doing her fail aegyo. "alright, but let's not make that face again ok" haera confessed, getting a glare before she made again the face which was brushed off by haera. Her friend cracked up into an evil laugh, walking out the room first.

A sigh escaped haera's mouth again with her friend's behavior. Haera softly closed the piano and softly strokes the piano surface, "goodbye, old friend daniel" she squeaks witha soft smile before walking out the room, giving another glance before fully shutting the doors. 

Leaning back against the equipment box, feeling the adrenaline rushing inside him as his heart started beating a little unusual than his normal state. Taking deep breath to calm himself. By this moment, he finally understood one thing.

The feeling of falling in love at first sight...


BUT I LOVE THIS MOMENT UWU' bringing words from the author-nim, eun. Anticipate more on the next
page, thank you and enjoy!

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