H; upon.

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it was time for art class but Miss Halen held a special class this week despite this weekend is the school anual halloween celebration

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it was time for art class but Miss Halen held a special class this week despite this weekend is the school anual halloween celebration. And everyone was squealing in excitement with the upcoming event. Also thrilled by the special held by Miss Halen; a cooking class. It happens once in a blue moon when Miss Halen decides to hold a cooking class instead of Art class. All the students were rushing inside the cooking room, putting aside all their stationaries and off straight to wash their hands and put on some aprons before choosing the kitchen spot, the front is always the best. 

"here" hyemin sounded out, passing an apron into beomgyu's grip. "i'll help you wear it" she added, before hitting onto beomgyu's shoulder- signaling him to squat a little for being too tall for her. Beomgyu tried teasing her as he instead stood on his toes-getting taller. Receiving a hit by the side as he instantly started to squat as he whimpers in pain. An evil laugh left her mouth, slinging the upper part along his head, sliding over his neck and pushed his around, before reaching the strings along his arms and tightly ties it around his waist. "oww~" he shrieked a little as hyemin teases him this time for tying too tight.

it was beomgyu's turn to help her wear the apron but she already managed to do the neck part by herself, showing off a proud grin as she turns around with a soft hair-flick. Beomgyu only smile, already used to hyemin's mischevious behavior. Sometimes, he sees her as someone cute. He slowly reached through her arm for the strings and slowly bringing it around her waist, tying a light, just right bow tie. "donee~" he cooed, smiling.

"is everyone readyy yet" Miss Halen questioned with her high pitch voice, alarming us as we quickly washed our hands and turned off the tap to run for a kitchen spot. We were obviously the last one as everyone's attention were on us, wiating patiently for the class to start.

As we noticed the two last kitchen spots were rather far away from each other, we exchanged frowns together but beomgyu pushed up a smile before going to the corner kitchen part. It was just like how we were separated in class; each at the corner. We simply brushed off the sad feeling as the class started with Miss Halen's introduction. "hi, min hyemin~" someone voiced out from the side. Tilting by the side as i noticed jisoo was my partner-well it was two kitchen combined in a counter. Pushing a smile, "oh, hi jisoo-ah" it would've been more fun if beomgyu was here. Eyeing beomgyu by the side as he was fully focused to the teacher.

after that long intro, "- okay so as i was saying for today's baking was a halloween theme, together we're going to make a pumpkin shaped cookies then for the decorations, that'll be free for you to choose" Miss halen hollered, showing off the pumpkin shaped-cutters. "this will be a gift to anyone you want to gift. Your mother, father, family, friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, grandma, grandpa... anyone you wantt" she goes on.

"okay start with the cookie batter, on the center of your counter will have a recipe card so help out your partner beside you if they need help. I will go around once in awhile, okay. The 2 right rows on my right hand will use the right oven and the 2 left row will use theleft oven. Is everything clear?" Miss Helen shuttered, getting a 'yes' in unison as respond.

Hyemin and jisoo both approached the recipe card together, taking a good scan together before taking the mixing bowl to start. Hyemin will be in charge of the reading and whisking as jisoo will help take the ingredients. "first step! two cups of all purposed flour" hyemin started, taking grab of the measuring cup as jisoo reached the flour, putting two full cups of flour as a big gush of powder blew out as we poured it. We both laugh it out. "then, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ground ginger and kasher salt" hyemin somehow raped it out, but thankfull jisoo was the type to help out by the kitchen so he knows his ingredients well. 

"a quatre teaspoon of ground allspice and baking soda" hyemin continued, reading the recipe card while whisking the batter. "the ground allspice looks like brown sugar though" hyemin commented as jisoo pours both ingredients into the bowl. "do you want to switch?"

shooking, "nahh, im not good with ingredients. I only know eggs and butter" hyemin confessed, admitting only the basic cooking she learns herself, getting a snort from jisoo. Hyemin scoffed, " a pinch of ground cloves, a stick of butter and 2 egg yolks". After tossing the ground cloves and butter into the batter, "do you want to crack the eggs, you said you know egg.. so you must know how to get the yolks only" jisoo recalled, raising a brow for her to accept the challenge.

quite takenaback, "aren't you the master chef here, why don't you show me the master chef wayy" hyemin insisted, not convinced of him being a kitchen pro. "finee" jisoo quacked with a sly grin, before showing the right way to crack an egg and only get the yolk into the bowl. Scoffing, "i can do thatt" she emphasized. Luckily luck was on her side, although it looks rather off but she succeeded in putting only the yolk.

the decorating process.

"okay it's time to take the cookies out from the oven and start decorating! you should've finished the icing when the cookies were in the oven" Miss Halen howled throughout the classroom. Presentatives from each stations went to get the cookies inside the oven. Eyeing towards beomgyu on the right side as jisoo went to take the cookies on the left side, damn an apron looks good on him.

a loud thud from the tray crashing to the counter startled me to jisoo's attention. Putting it aside to cool down as we prepared the icing into the pipes to decorate. "so half of it is yours. That means we each get 10 pumpkin-shaped cookie" jisoo huffed out before transferring half of the cookies onto his tray to decorate. "okayy" hyemin replied, taking the other half. 

hyemin went on with the real halloween theme; a witch hat, pumpkin faces and potions bottles. "a vampire fang looks just right on his facee" hyemin mumbled out to herself, drawing a fang on the pumpkin face, looking like a real vampire. She was satisfied with her masterpiece creations.

looking to the side, "hey, jisoo-ah! you're doing cookiemonster~" hyemin blurted out, surprised to see the halloween version of cookiemonster. "they're my favourites!" she squeals. "you better give them some for mee"

jisoo only let out a chuckle with the awing facial on hyemin's. "hyemin-ah.." jisoo called for her attention. "can you stay after the class, i have something important to tell you"

nodding, "suree" she squeaks before going back to decorating her cookies.

after class,

it was already recess time, and it was a real hard time to convinced beomgyu to go first but he rejected the offer.

Eventually we came up with a solution of him waiting at our usual spot, asking him to givea hand on buying the foods first, "the usual right" beomgyu spoke out, trying making excuses to stay.

nodding, "yess, now off you go before it's full of students" hyemin uttered, pushing a little force to beomgyu's back to walk towards the hallway. Bidding goodbye before entering back the kitchen room. " what is it that you need to say to me? a friend is kinda waiting soo.." hyemin straightforward jumped to the point.

"uhh..." jisoo went, rubbing the nip of his neck, avoiding eye contact. it was weird. "actually... i just wanna say that you're amazing" jisoo finally let it out. "thank you?" hyemin responded with a question, rather weird to find people saying she's amazing. "you're very chilled and passionate with doing your work, you're very attractive..."

"and i think i like you."


"jbdhgc guys an advice,
let's not fall in love"
from the authornim,
eun. But she said to

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