C; 하나.

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i finally landed safely. Back to the old childhood town of mine to reunite and celebrate the jolly holiday together again with the whole family-well most of them. College was a real stress to the mind yet the holiday season has finally come, also becoming a prior reason to get-away from being called again for holiday interns at the office.

the trip back to the house brought me back to memory lane as some of the familiar scenes and building were still unchanged but there was also a lot that changed around here yet it still felt like home. Home sweet home.

the taxi finally arrived to the destination, he was nice enough to lend a hand with the luggage so i couldn't resist on giving a little tip in exchange. He smiled happily with the gift. "thank you" i bid him goodbye for his kind service before closing the doors, watching the car drive away and disappear by the junction turn.

taking grasp of my luggage as i scan through the changes that has happen to the house. The trees were fully covered with blankets of snow and the flowers that once blooms has wilted, leaving only branches of wood. The feeling of home filled my body with warm and coziness.

i pulled my luggage closer as i reached the door bell. Shortly, footsteps were heard as they became more clearer and louder as it reach closer. Fogs of smoke came out from my mouth in heat as the door creaked open, popping out a familiar figure that welcomed me with a smile, it was none other than my sister. Our faces were thrilled to see each other presences, we exchanged a deep embrace together.

my sister; heisoo pulled away from the hug as she cupped my cheeks tightly, "my lil sis is all grown up now" she uttered out, awing the sight of how much things has changed around here, especially with her little sister is now woman. i scoffed, "says the girl who has two kids"

she bursted into laughs. "geez, it's cold out here." heisoo cooed, hugging herself. What could you expect more when all she wears is a sweatshirt. "come inside to warm up, it must've been a long flight" she added, before insisting me to enter first.

The first step inside the house was completely different as if you've just enter a second dimension of hot and warm. I was welcomed with open arms from my lovely niece;soojin and nephew;soobin, startling me for the sudden hug. It was cozy and snuggly. Grandma also welcomed me from afar as the two kids took a really long and tight embrace before pulling away. 

"okay... okay... give your aunt some space, will you" heisoo sarcastically spoke to the kids as they pulled away. Running away to continue their game rounds of twister. "it's good to see you safe and sound" grandma softly spoke as i approach closer for a tight hug and kisses. The welcome was really warm.

"you know your way around the house right? if not, those two probably need to give you another tour" heisoo asked. "yeah, it's only been 2 years.. i hope nothing changed much here"

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