Chapter 5

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"You need to get out of those rags," Miranda explained gently.

They were in the bathroom, and Miranda was trying to help the young woman bathe. Andrea's eyes went wide and she blushed.

"It's alright," Miranda soothed.

Hesitantly, Andrea nodded, and allowed Miranda to slip the makeshift dress over her head. Miranda didn't allow herself to gaze at the beautiful body, and turned around to give her some privacy. There wasn't a sound, and Miranda knew that the brunette hadn't gotten in the water yet, due to the lack of splashing. Debating with herself, she didn't know whether or not to turn around and help the brunette and risk embarrassing herself when she saw the beautiful nude woman, or pretend that she didn't notice. Almost as if on cue, she felt a gentle poke on her back and she turned around, forcing her eyes to stay locked on brown ones.

"Do you need help?" Miranda asked tenderly.

Andrea blushed again and nodded, her arms tightly crossed across her chest. Miranda placed her hand on the smooth skin of Andrea's bare back, ignoring the tingle that traveled up her arm at the contact. Andrea shivered slightly and allowed Miranda to guide her into the huge, circular marble tub. She slipped under the bubbles with a sigh, appreciating the warmth. It was weird though to swim in water that wasn't salt, but Andrea loved the feeling. Miranda perched herself on the edge of the tub and watched the brunette, noting with relief that the soapy suds hid the woman's assets. The bright windows surrounding the bathtub let in the evening sunlight, creating the perfect ambiance. (Thankfully, the windows were up high enough so nobody could peek in.)

Andrea cupped a strange, transparent, round shape in her hand and picked it up in wonder. Miranda watched her, fascinated by how the brunette could find something so simple as a bubble, be the most interesting thing in the world. The bubble popped, and Andrea jumped back in surprise. Miranda chuckled at the young woman's actions, and scooped up a bubble herself.

"It's a bubble," she explained and carefully handed it to Andrea, whose eyes widened as she carefully took ahold of the clear object. It popped again, and Andrea opened her mouth in a soundless laugh.

Miranda felt herself wondering why the woman couldn't speak. She would have given anything to hear the girl's voice, since she was sure that it would be magical. Almost immediately, she frowned at herself. What was she doing having feelings for a girl who looked like she could be the same age as her daughter? What if she opened herself up to this mystery woman, and she used her and then left her? Abruptly, she stood up, her head swirling with thoughts of Joseph. Andrea looked up in alarm, and her eyes turned panicky when she saw Miranda looking as if she was going to leave. Miranda glanced at her, and almost immediately, her heart melted. The brunette looked so fragile sitting in the tub that was large enough for five people, that her natural protective instinct took over.

She knelt back down and apologized, something she rarely did. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you...I just had something on my mind."

Andrea tilted her head inquisitively, her dark eyes asking Miranda the question she could not speak.

"I was in love once," Miranda admitted. Andrea's nose scrunched up in distaste, but she nodded her encouragement. "Um," the silver-haired woman rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, it was a long time ago. I met a handsome young man, Joseph at a party my parents hosted. He was from some rich family that my parents were friends with, and he was so charming. He was everything I wanted in a man- witty, funny, and so incredibly kind..." Miranda's blue eyes turned a stormy grey, "or at least I thought. I gave everything to him," she began to get choked up as she thought about her sacrifices for him. "I gave him my heart and my virginity. I loved Joseph to the ends of the earth and back," Tears leaked out of her eyes, and she continued bitterly, "Obviously I was a stupid, naïve 21-year-old."

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