Chapter 6

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Andrea stood on the balcony in her room and rested her chin on her hand as she gazed at Miranda walking down on the beach with Patricia faithfully trotting next to her. Miranda's crystal blue eyes seemed to sense she was being watched, because they lifted to catch Andrea's lovesick expression directed at her. Thoroughly embarrassed, Andrea's cheeks turned hot and she went back inside quickly. Miranda watched her go with compassion swelling in her chest. There was just something extra special about this girl, and Miranda would be damned if she ever let her go.
"Have you found them yet?" Richard asked his messenger.

"No sir," the seahorse panted from exhaustion. "We've searched the entire ocean floor for both Emily and Andy. No sign of them yet."

"Well keep searching until they are found," King Richard ordered, waving his powerful arm around. "Let no one in this kingdom sleep until she's safe at home."

"Yes Your Majesty," the fatigued sea creature sighed and hurried off.

"What have I done?" Richard sunk on his throne and rested his hands in his head.


Andrea woke up with a smile on her face. She kissed a sleepy Emily on the side of her face and leapt out of bed. Today was the day where she would spend each glorious second with the woman she loved. She skipped to her closet and pulled it open, her mouth immediately dropping at the number of dresses that hung neatly in a row. Andrea had never seen so many dresses in her life! She skimmed through each garment before choosing a light blue dress because it reminded her of the ocean. Pulling the lightweight dress out, she grinned and tried to copy Miranda's actions from yesterday. Andrea raised her arms, and after much difficulty, managed to get her arms and head through the right holes. Turning to look at herself in the mirror, she was satisfied with the results. The dress was one shoulder and had a pretty beading that ran diagonal under her breasts. It was slit high on her thigh and billowed out around the back of her long legs, but was modest enough to not show anything. Andrea twirled and smiled when the pretty shimmery fabric floated around her legs before settling down back around them.

"You look lovely," Emily said after she fully woke up. She yawned and stretched.

Andrea's eyes crinkled when she looked at her friend, and she blew out a steadying breath. Taking one last look in the mirror, she fixed a couple of strands of wavy hair, and then her look was complete. She put on the same black shoes that she wore yesterday and scooped Emily up in her hand, placing the crab on her shoulder so she could hide. Andrea then opened her door and timidly made her way down the long, silent hallway. Stop being ridiculous. Nothing is going to hurt's just a hallway for Neptune's sake. Mind set in determination, Andrea sped down the hallway and into the dining room where she found Nigel and Miranda talking. The older woman was wearing a creamy white shirt that was tucked into straight black pants held up by a red belt. A colorful sea glass necklace adorned her neck, and Andrea felt a flush creep up the back of her neck as she hungrily took in the older woman's appearance. Suddenly turning shy, she debated whether to make her presence known yet. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Nigel's head looked up and his face broke out into a grin.

"Come in, don't be shy," Nigel said merrily. "Good morning! How did you sleep?"

Andrea grinned back at him and shakily walked over to the both of them. Miranda, whose mouth had gone dry when she saw the stunning brunette enter, came to her senses and hopped up to pull out a chair. She helped Andrea into her seat and then sat next to her, resting her finger on her upper lip.

"You look lovely," Miranda praised, "did Jocelyn help you?"

Andrea shook her head and grinned proudly at her successful choice in clothing.

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