Chapter 10-Happy ever after

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The trident fell down and rested next to Richard, who immediately spun back into his original form and grasped the trident powerfully. All of the souls in Jacqueline's garden transformed back into their mermaid selves, and laughed happily as they swam out of the dead sea witch's lair, free at last.

The next morning, Richard and Emily watched a sad Andrea looking at a still-unconscious Miranda laying still on the beach.

"She really does love her," Richard sighed heavily.

"They are soul mates," Emily also sighed. "You haven't seen them together yet. They thrive off of each other."

"Then I guess there's just one problem left," Richard's eyes were sad.

"What's that Your Majesty?"

"How much I'm going to miss her," Richard pointed his trident to his youngest daughter, and colorful sparkles jumped across the clear water.

Andrea felt a pleasant tingling in her tail, and looked down before her confusion turned into pure joy. Her knee-length dress was a glittery silver, and had spaghetti-strap sleeves. Andrea's heart almost burst with the excitement and happiness she felt, and started making her way through the ocean to reach her love. Miranda woke up and quickly sat up, looking for Andrea. Her jaw dropped when she saw the beautiful woman walk through the water with her arms outstretched and a smile that rivaled the sun on her face.

"Andrea," she whispered.

"Miranda," Andrea said with tears in her eyes.
She ran towards the Queen, and found herself being picked up and twirled around. She giggled, and Miranda found herself laughing in return. Andrea's laugh was like bells-just like she knew it would be. She set the light brunette down and securely enveloped Andrea in a warm embrace.

"I love you so much Miranda," Andrea murmured, looking deeply in Miranda's eyes.

"And I love you Andrea," Miranda rested her head against Andrea's forehead. "After Joseph, I closed myself off, knowing that humans bring pain. But you, you my Andrea, taught me how to love again."

Andrea leaned in and captured Miranda's pink lips with her own, finally revealing in their texture and shape.

Cheers and applause surrounded the two newly weds as they broke their kiss. They stared at each other before turning to their people and raising their joined hands. The cheers got even louder, and Andrea giggled.

"Andy," a deep voice called.

Andrea turned and saw her father floating by the ship, magically held up by the ocean. Tears blurred her vision as she stumbled to him and threw herself in his arms.

"I love you Daddy," Andrea whispered in his ear and clutched him tightly.

"I love you too Andrea," he kissed her cheek and smiled gently at her.

He turned to Miranda and bowed to her. Awestruck, the Queen smiled and bowed back, making Richard smile before he lowered himself back in the ocean. Lily flew Doug up to say goodbye, and Andrea hugged them both. She thanked them both immensely, and kissed them on the cheeks. She watched with a teary smile as her best friend was lowered back in the sea and then felt Miranda's arm wrap itself around her waist. She grinned at her new wife and then looked at her friends and family and waved. Richard raised his trident and with a flash, a beautiful rainbow spread across the sky.

"Darling, do you want to know something kind of funny?" Miranda whispered in her ear.

"Yes Miranda?" Andrea cuddled closer to the older woman.

"I once said that if King Richard were real, then there must be a match for me," Miranda murmured, kissing Andrea's cheek. "It turns out both were true."

"I love you," Andrea grinned and kissed Miranda.

"I love you too Andrea."

And they all lived happily ever after.

                           The end❤

Thank you all so much!Love ya!😘❤

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